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Flour noodles are the food for dinner this Wednesday afternoon at a stall


Noodles are the most popular food among people, especially in Indonesia. The basic ingredient for noodles is wheat flour, therefore noodles can be used as a staple food source because noodles contain quite high carbohydrates, the same as rice.

Noodle products circulating in Indonesia have different types and water content in each type, such as raw noodles, wet noodles, dry noodles, fried noodles, instant noodles. Wet noodles themselves are raw noodles which, before being distributed, have been boiled in boiling water, with a water content of around 35% and after boiling the water content will increase to 52%.

It turns out that the water content in noodles is one of the most important factors. The higher the water content, the faster it will expire or expire. The more water you add to the wet noodle dough, the resulting noodles will become softer and make the noodles unpalatable to consume, but on the other hand, if less water is added to the noodle dough, the resulting noodles will be tough and can make things difficult. in the printing process.

The way to make instant noodles is quite easy, namely by boiling and thinning it after it is cooked, then mixing it with spices, oil and additional ingredients provided in the packaging.

However, instant noodles cannot only be served in the usual way because some people experiment and innovate by using certain ingredients to become something new, such as using cheese, milk and other ingredients that cannot be completely mentioned.

Instant noodles have entered the habits of Indonesian people since 1968. Initially, not many people produced instant noodles so people did not know about the existence of this food and there were not as many variations in taste as there are today.

As time goes by, thanks to technological advances and high consumer interest in instant noodles, it has brought major changes to the instant noodle production industry, starting from packaging design, presentation methods, taste and also product quality.

Competition in producing the best instant noodle products in each brand also influences consumers in choosing which noodles are best for their tastes, giving rise to various debates about this food. Indonesia has even been ranked at the top of instant noodle production after China and South Korea.

Instant noodles can also be a profitable business opportunity for culinary businesses such as instant noodle shops that provide cooking services according to the wishes of buyers.

Not a small amount of income can be obtained from this business because the capital required is minimal but the profits generated are quite large. For people who want to start a business and are confused about what business they want to do, this business could be on your list of choices because most culinary businesses are businesses that are easy to attract customers.

Based on the question of whether instant noodles are good for consumption or not, the first thing we can look at is the composition contained in them. There are many myths circulating about instant noodles, for example, "they say" instant noodles contain wax because they are easily burned by a flame, instant noodles contain rubber, so the texture of instant noodles remains chewy, and so on.

Actually, the rumors mentioned earlier are not true, Grameds. Instant noodles contain wheat flour and vegetable oil which causes the texture of instant noodles when cooked to become chewy and the water content in instant noodles is very low due to the frying process and cooling box when producing instant noodles, that's why instant noodles catch fire easily if burned with fire. .

Instant noodles also only contain carbohydrates and bad fats so if consumed without balancing foods it will only cause a lack of nutrients that our bodies need such as protein, iron, vitamins, other micro and macro substances.







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