The BS happening in IB may also be happening in your town.


At some point this morning, I got into a discussion with one of my friends in Pakistan and we ended up talking about our society and how what is mostly seen as an economic issue has become an issue that affects all other areas of life. We talked about how expensive food items have been and even mentioned how access to clean water is becoming an issue.

That's the case in their part of the world but that also isn't farfetched from what's happening in my part of the world. For the most part, if you look well enough in your town, you will notice some things that can be improved to augment the overall standard of living and make life a bit endurable.

Now, I know some people come across discussions like these, and the self-acclaimed saints in them make them say things like;

Why focus on what's wrong? Why focus on the negative? Just turn your attention to the positive things about your town.

Well, not today, okay? People want to focus only on paradisical experience and they end up becoming blind to the things that shouldn't be tolerated. That level of tolerance of bullshit is what leads to the death of towns until it becomes a place that's a shadow of its former self. So, this post is going to be about me telling you the bullshit that is happening in my town. Things that shouldn't be happening.

For the record, it's been a long time since I went to my hometown. Like, we are talking in "years" not even months. So, anything about sharing ideas on what could be improved in my town should be left for those over there. However, I've been living in Ibadan (SouthWestern part of Nigeria) for two years already and I've lived here long enough to notice some things that could be improved on.

They are;

1. Poor Electricity Supply.

This is an issue with most parts of Nigeria but since I'm in Ibadan, I've got to say that the level of insufficiency in our electrical supply is preposterous. This wasn't even the case last year but even since the previous Christmas celebration, our electricity supply has become too poor. I spent a fortune to buy a freezer last November so I wouldn't have to cook very often.


Guess what? Within the last 3 months alone, the foods in the freezer have spoilt about 5 times. I've lost thousands of Naira for that same reason and at this moment, the only thing I have in the fridge is the drinkable sachets of water I keep there and the containers which I usually use to store food. I also keep fruit once in a while, but I just struggle to cook food in huge quantities. I can't afford to have another food go to waste because of an inconsistent power supply.

Aside from the fridge-related issue, I work remotely full-time and this requires a great deal of power for both my laptop and phone. I don't have enough space to get a generator and have it secured. So, I opted for Power Banks.


The one by the left was worth #11,000 when I got it and the one by the right was worth #43,000 (if I'm not mistaken) when I got it. I've got to have all these around to avoid having my remote work ruined because of the power supply. I've also given away 4 different 30,000mah Oraimo Power bank and it helped those people to withstand the electricity issue we are dealing with.

Now, whenever I go to church or go to watch football games in viewing centers, I see a lot of people coming around with their chargers because they want to power up their gadgets. It's very shameless from a country that claims to be the "Giant of Africa".

I know you are probably thinking; "why don't I go and live in places that have better power supply". Well, whenever I relocate anywhere, I always live in the Capital because that's the center of everything and that's usually where you will get the best amenities. I'm living in the Capital of OYO state and the electricity supply has been bollocks since this year. Haha.

The next thing I wanted to talk about which can be improved in the town I'm staying in is the cost of Housing and the shit show that real estate agents are acting out. That alone is enough to make my mind go bunkers and I wouldn't want to start something I can't finish. Haha. Besides, seems like I've already shared a lot.

So, Peace Out! Deuces! Oh, my God!

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop or Comma.
All Images are mine, taken with my phone Camera.

This is my entry to today's prompt on #aprilinleo monthly prompt. Feel free to check out the post and explore their prompt.

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