Saying YES to crypto: Despite the uncertainties, a good start makes people more enthusiastic.

For the record, cryptocurrency is clearing people's doubt and it's making a case for itself. That's all that matters!


Individuals, companies, countries and a whole lot of organisations have been very open about their distrust for blockchain and all it entails. Some of them have been voicing out their disapprovement of cryptocurrency. Their reasons are numerous and also ridiculous. Some are just ignorant while others are seeing it as a threat to their mass wealth. The good news is that while some are fighting it, others are waking up to reality.

Recently, we've been seeing a series of headlines about the adoption of cryptocurrency by companies like Microsoft, BMW, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan. When it comes to countries, a whole lot of them say YES to cryptocurrency and this makes it easier for people to become economically active while getting involved with their favourite Crypto projects and Blockchains.

I have no word for countries like Nigeria that are riding on trial and error(s). I think it was just 3 months ago that they stopped local banks from serving as intermediaries between Crypto exchanges and Crypto enthusiasts. Their decision was a way to show their stance against Crypto.

Of course, Crypto enthusiasts panicked for a while before exploring other alternatives.


Our fingers are still crossed while we wait to see if Nigeria, as a country, will stand for or against cryptocurrency. Whatever the case may be, those that know their way around major Exchanges can still use the P2P segment to convert their Crypto to fiat and vice versa.

Whether you are in a country like Nigeria or any other part of the world, here is what you need to know

Augumenting your finance through crypto is a cool thing. Saying that you are a crypto enthusiast is also cool. There will be more adoption of cryptocurrency across different sectors of the economy. Both the high net-worth individuals and low-income earners are coming on board and more will be joining the party in due time.

They hear the good news, they want to be economically active by exploring these opportunities, they need financial freedom, so... WHY NOT? They will come as a Hive of bees and we will be glad to see them getting involved with various Crypto projects of their choice.

ANOTHER FOOD FOR THOUGHT; It's not all milk and honey!


Yeah, people can get 20X their investment over a very short period. Some came into Crypto with nothing but they are now Billionaires.

That's the type of story we like to read, but make no mistake about this, it's not all milk and honey. You've got to be prepared to do crazy things in a very decisive way to win in this game.

You will be told to DYOR
You will be told to never FOMO
You will be told to buy the Dip
People will shill a bunch of shitcoins to you.

Some people are kinda lucky so, things just go as they expect from the Initial stage. A good start always makes people more enthusiastic, but the joke will surely be on them if anything happens to the Crypto projects in their portfolio. No doubt, you did your research and you could have sworn that the crypto projects in your portfolio have very high chances of reaching the moon.

I will tell you this for free... many crypto projects are laudable and very promising but there are more than a hundred things that can go wrong. Don't ever wish to cross paths with one.

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