Indian pied myna

Different types of birds can be seen in our house all day from morning till night. These birds are always seen sitting in our yard. Our morning starts with the chirping of birds. Honestly when I wake up I hear birds chirping around our room. When I wake up it is usually very early in the morning and many birds can be heard chirping. Especially since we have many plants in our house, many birds stay here at night, especially the branches have different birds at night. Although there are very few bird nests, the branches are already inhabited by a variety of birds at night. And those birds start chirping in the morning. Sometimes these words are quite nice.







Those are Indian pied myna. Even in the afternoon the birds start chirping. Especially in the morning when the birds chirp before the sun rises and with that the birds scatter in different directions. Then again when the evening begins, the birds come from different places and sit on the branches of the trees and make the whole house buzz with their chirping. Our trees are home to a variety of birds, including crows, hummingbirds, and doves. Moreover, we can see different kinds of birds living in our house throughout the day. I found this bird sitting on an electric wire early in the morning.

It is a starling bird. We can see two types of birds here. One of them is colored. And the other is black and white. It is a black and white starling. It was sitting on electric wires and flapping its wings. I often see different birds here on the wire or perched on the roof. Also we can see such birds sitting in our yard all the time. Even sometimes when we have food in our yard or kitchen, these birds come and eat it. They look pretty good to me.

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