Balance Your Way To Wellness


We live in a world where everyone wants a perfect shape. I'm pretty sure if we were handed pencils and papers to design dream bodies, we'd come up with perfect images. Who doesn't want to be fit and healthy? There are many approaches to staying fit. Social media platforms, websites, and apps are loaded with information on how to achieve your dream body. In today’s world where physical appearance is the talk of the town, many people go to great lengths to achieve their goals. You'd be surprised when you learn that people spend a lot on their bodies.

There are so many benefits to having a perfect body. Not only does it boost confidence levels, it is also loaded with many health benefits. The desire to achieve a perfect body drives us to find different methods to achieve our goals. I've had talks with many gym instructors and body experts, and one thing they agree on is that our body works differently and it is up to individuals to discover whichever works for them.

When it comes to staying fit, which approach do you think works best; Rigorous eating or regular exercise? It is really surprising (and concerning) to see the lengths people go to get their desired body shape. Every day, I see people flaunt about how they did surgeries to get their desired body shapes. Whether it is dieting or working out, the importance of a healthy body cannot be overemphasized. At the end of the day, the goal remains the same. To achieve and maintain a healthy body. However, the big question is: Which approach is safer and better?

We are not robots. Our bodies are not made of metals, which is why it is important for us to take good care of them. The importance of exercising cannot be overemphasized. The majority believe that people should only exercise when they are obese. It is the same reason people believe that the best way to lose weight is by starving- rigorous dieting. During my high school days, one of my friends was obese. He was the class jest. He often got mocked for his weight. People called him names and gave him ridiculous nicknames. The teachers also called him names. They had “special” nicknames for him, and students were not allowed to call him those names.

At first, it didn't seem like he was hurt by their words because he always laughed whenever they called him those names. Sadly, deep down, he was hurting. A few of us noticed that he always poured his food away, and he wouldn't read throughout. Unfortunately, he fainted on the assembly ground one day. He was rushed to the hospital, and we learned that he had been starving himself to lose weight. His parents transferred him to another school the next day.

Rigorous dieting may seem like a quick way to lose weight, but it is not a healthy solution. Your body needs nutrients, especially if you work every day. A person who works every day (from morning till afternoon or evening) should not even think of going for rigorous dieting as a solution. In simple words, rigorous dieting is a terrible idea (of course, in my opinion.) Rigorous dieting is a terrible approach. Eat well or you’ll faint. On the other hand, eating a balanced diet is a better approach.

In my opinion, the best way to achieve good shape is not by rigorous dieting, but a combination of regular exercise and a balanced diet. They go hand in hand. This reminds me of a friend who wanted to lose weight badly. She'd go for a jog around the school every day. But immediately after her morning workout, she settles down to drink the biggest size of coke and big bread. She does this every morning after her morning workout. The food we eat enriches our body.

Exercise is also essential for maintaining a perfect and healthy physique. You don’t have to lift heavy weights or run around states. You can burn calories, improve muscles, and also improve your mental health just from the comfort of your home. Whether it is yoga, jogging, or any form of calisthenic exercise works well.

Thanks for reading.

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