A Quick Repairs Of My Son's Sandals To School Using Super Glue


Greetings Team of @DIYHUB.

It has been a couple days I share my handiwork with you. You are therefore welcome to my blog. In this Tutorials I want to share with you how I quickly repaired my Son's sandals in just five (5) minutes when he is about to go to school.

Oh, I should have taken my Son's sandals to shoes maker yesterday. But I forget since my son didn't tell me earlier. But, this is just a minor repairs that I need not to take to the shoe maker. Of course I can do it myself when I get some little tool. I check the affected place to see if it would be possible for me to sew with thread or use supper glue. Ok, the first make up was the use of glue. I quickly went to the nearby shop to by the super glue. This cost me less the $1.00. It was about 30mins for my Son's school arrived so I quickly returned home to apply the glue.

Below are the processes I used to repair the sandals:

Step 1


I teared opened the supper glue from its box

Step 2

I checked the place which has torn and wiped all dirt from that surface using tattered cloth. This means that I should be getting ready to open the cork from the tip of supper glue. One thing we should bear in mind is that, I soon as you open the glue it begins to evaporate or oxidize from liquid stage to gaseous stage. Even when you open, you must close it quickly.

Checking the place of sandals that has torn and wiping all dirt from that surface

Step 3

I opened the supper glue and begin to apply on the affected surface that has torn

Step 4

I applied on the sandals and quickly fix the the disconnected parts quickly for it to be well tight.

Applying the glue at the disconnected part and fixing it very tight.




Once that I finished, I had to wait in few seconds for it to dry. Glue fix sandals very fast so it didn't take much of my time. The sandals is now ready for my Son to wear it as you can see...

Step 5

I am now done with the sandals as you can see below:


I gave the sandals for my son to wear it to school. To me, some of these basic things should be learnt by everyone in case minor repairs happen to you in your home where you do not have any nearby shoe maker. But, this is only my opinion. Thanks for sharing with me. My pleasure 🤗
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