Hello! Greetings everyone I'm not here to complain, I'm just here to talk or share my experience. Thank you ❤


My cousins and brother have long been planning to get vaccinated and they keep inviting me to join but I always refuse every time they come up with it.

I thought of having it next year for the reason that I need to condition myself because I'm so stressed from work. I wasn't really into it since there was a lot of negative news about it. people were dying after being vaccinated they said. So it's scary on my part.

so when my cousins picked up my brother at home I suddenly wanted to go with them.

like " fuck it ! I'll just go and get on with it." 😂 it was a last-minute decision. even though I didn't get enough sleep that time,

when we arrived we were instructed to fill up a form and sign, we had our orientation about what to do and what not to do, had our blood pressure checked, and got asked if anything was taken before such as alcohol, maintenance in medicine, or being pregnant, etc.


Everything was organized, I thought Moderna was only taken here but when I saw the form of the guy in front of me it says Sinovac, I asked him and he said he is getting his second dose.


While waiting, I can't help but feel nervous because it's been a long time since I had an injection, back when I got hospitalized twice for having dengue and UTI I was so used to getting it, but now i don't know if im strong enough to take it,😂


people in front of me were taking pictures of themselves getting injected, they'll be flexing it on their Facebook for sure hahaha


As for me, I don't like taking picture of me getting one, Instead, I took a photo of my vaccination card, and about the shot it was done a second the moment i sat down, 😂 not so painful but the after effect was ouchy.

My brother was laughing saying that our second dose will be on my birthday hahaha when I posted it on Instagram my friends replied saying "NO DRINKING THAT TIME?" hahaha damn it, I can already feel myself not getting energetic on my birthday.

My friend who completed his Moderna vaccine said, that I'd be laying down for the whole day if i get my second one, because that's what happened to him, I hope not though 🙁

How it felt after getting moderna

I can't lift my arm after getting shot, while my cousins and brother can lift theirs. they were so proud of it 😒 good for them hahaha

I felt so sleepy after, so when I got home I rested to sleep, I woke up having a fever but I took paracetamol after getting dinner and the fever was gone the next morning,


The pain in my arm did not subside, so i followed the instruction about putting ice on it for 10 minutes, doing it felt good so i didn't follow the required time, i let it stay till the ice melted hahaha

It actually works because the pain was gone a little bit.


So when i was laying to rest, a mosquito was flying around and it landed on my vaccinated arm and i slapped it without thinking! 😩 ugh the pain, i winced and cursed like mosquito you bitch! of all areas you just had to land on this side huh! 😖 but atleast i got my revenge 😂

Everything okay now

So yeah that's the story hahaha thank you for listening ❤

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