A proposal for science: our ocean needs us

Hive people can support science. Science can do publicity to hive

Hive people can support science in a country where education is not primordial.


About me

My name is Juan Arturo Bacab García, I am 25 years old and I am a marine biologist by profession. I am currently studying a Master of Science at the Autonomous University of Yucatan.

I was born in the city of Cancun, Mexico, a place well known for being the preferred destination for tourists when they come to Mexico , a beautiful coastal city: this is where my interest and passion for the oceans and all the marine life that inhabits them comes from.


"Langosta" Beach, Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico.

About my professional training

In 2014, I decided to study a career in marine biology, leaving my place of origin and my family. Despite this, until today I do not regret such a decision, it was a very beautiful career, full of challenges and adventures, of sleepless nights and long nights.

That's a video that I made

When I graduated from the career I went in search of work where I can pursue a bachelor's degree, the options in my country are really scarce if we refer to biology, but I soon found a job as a specialist in marine mammals in a dolphinarium (dolphin trainer), That's right, what is known as "the best job in the world" by tourists who visit the place. After a few days it became clear to me that this concept was perhaps not entirely true, but perhaps what makes you think the most is that people who do not have studies occupy higher positions than those who do, not to mention that they are often better paid. In short, not everything was bad, living with wonderful beings like dolphins is something wonderful, however, I decided to get out of there to continue growing and surpass myself.


My favorite bottlenose dolphin (Charlie): a noble, attentive and very active specimen.

The next step: a master in science

I am currently studying the last semester of the Master of Science in Natural Resource Management. Of course, studying for a postgraduate degree has allowed me to gain new knowledge and acquire many skills, but above all, it has expanded my mind of seeing many things regarding our society (sometimes good and sometimes bad).

One of those good things is that, in these two years, I have been able to meet renowned scientists in my country who are dedicated to the study of marine mammals. In addition to the master's thesis and classroom classes, I looked for courses, diplomas and external talks .

And I have also been able to make my research work known to different organizations to which I have been invited. It is important to clarify that these invitations have only been in Quintana Roo and Yucatan (that is, locally). I enclose some evidence:


A recognition from the Association of Specialists in Marine Mammals (ADEMM) awarded for conducting seminars where I reported on my work, I am currently a member of this association.


" Macrofauna Marine Stranding Workshop" (Dolphinaris Cancún)


Participation in the Research Forum of the Autonomous University of Yucatan.

A brief summary to present the work that I have carried out.

The research I have done during the master is entitled "Age and growth of the dolphin bottlenose common (Tursiops truncatus) and dolphin Bottlenose of the Indo-Pacific (Tursiops aduncus), the latter species is known very little , the studies are very scarce and have been carried out especially in Asian seas, fortunately, in Cancun, Mexico there is a single dolphinarium that has individuals of this species. This means that this work represents new information at the INTERNATIONAL LEVEL, and not only at the local level, making this type of project known should be a priority for our country, but this does not happen in this way.


Taking measures total length of " Squalo ", a dolphin Bottlenose of the Indo-Pacific 32 years old


I am infinitely grateful to this dolphinarium for allowing me to carry out my study with these individuals , I understand if there are people who are against these places, what corresponds to me to say is that, if this place did not exist, this study would not have been possible.

The scarcity of resources and the low budget for science increase ignorance and lack of education in Mexico.

Louis Pasteur once said: " Science is the soul of the prosperity of nations and the source of all progress . "

In the last six-year term of the current president in Mexico, we have had a significant reduction in the budget and support for science and the conservation of our natural resources. As a consequence, many people who dedicated their lives to science and conservation have lost their jobs. Attached evidence:


Link to the news: https://www.mexicodesconocido.com.mx/la-conanp-sufre-alarmante-recorte-de-75-de-presupuesto.html


Link to the news: https://www.sopitas.com/noticias/morena-iniciativa-recortes-fideicomisos-coronavirus/

Great news and a big hurdle

It was on March 4 of this year when I received a notice in my email that would undoubtedly be a great step and the opportunity to publicize my study at other levels: my work had been accepted for presentation at the meeting of the Mexican Society of Marine Mastozoology (SOMEMMA, for its acronym in Spanish) in the City of La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico , one of the most important meetings in the country, where we also have the participation of internationally recognized scientists who are dedicated to the study and conservation of marine mammals. This great event will take place on May 3, 2021.


This was the email I received

Link to the SOMEMMA official website: https://www.somemma.mx/

Taking into account that each year there is a specific budget to support students in this type of event, a letter was drafted to request such support from the coordinator and the director of the university, surprisingly the response was that the university did not have a budget for Supporting the students this year , this news was certainly going to have a strong impact on my project and my attendance at the SOMEMMA meeting.

With the support to students, it was planned to finance the following:

  • Flight from Merida, Yucatan, Mexico to La Paz, BCS, Mexico (round trip) = $ 457 USD (details below)
  • Hosting hotel accommodation (3-9 May 2021) $ 40 (per night) X 7 days = $ 280 USD
  • SOMEMMA Membership = $ 30 USD
  • SOMEMMA meeting registration = $ 65 USD
  • Food (3-9 May 2021) = $ 43 per day X 7 = $ 301 USD


Also, it was planned to deliver a scientific poster and a copy of the thesis (hardcover booklet) to each of the institutions that participated to carry out this project:

6 scientific poster = $ 22 per poster = $ 132 USD
6 booklets ( thesis) = $ 21 per thesis = $ 126 USD

In addition to this, because it is new information, it was planned to publish a scientific article on this work, scientific journals charge for publishing your article.

1 scientific article publication ( Aquatic mammals magazine ) = more than $ 100 USD
Grand total: 1,491 USD


This is the scientific poster of the work.

My advertising proposal for the Hive community

I apologize for narrating a context that is a bit long, but sometimes it is important to clarify everything in detail. Above all, if it is to seek support for a community .

It has taken me a lot of work to get votes in my posts on Hive, but the information I bring to the community is scientific, biological, and recognizing each of the authors of the works I mention, I try to make this information always quality. This is my last post: @juanbg/the-bright-side-of-contingency-can-the-covid-19-pandemic-help-us-improve-production-ecosystems

But this time it is necessary for me to ask for help outside my country, because my options have been completed, this puts a very big barrier to my training, but also to the scientific progress of the country.

My proposal is this: collect 25 HBD per day , until 19 of August of 2021 (60 days) and would have enough time to rigorously prepare the exhibition of the study and make the appropriate arrangements to SOMEMMA meeting.

With your support, I could take the posters and theses to the different institutions that you supported, allowing to take the measurements of the dolphins. The theses, which will be part of the institutions library, and also of the university library, would contain special thanks to the Hive community for the support given, so that anyone who reads this thesis will be able to meet the @Hive community .

The posters, which would be public display material at the dolphinariums, would also contain acknowledgments and the printed Hive logo . This would have a greater impact, taking into account that visitors to these places come from all over the world. In the year 2018 alone, the Mexican Caribbean received 14,279,000 tourists (Secretariat of Tourism, 2018).

And last but not least, the presentation of the work at the SOMEMMA meeting would present the @Hive community (the logo would be projected) as a fundamental part to publicize the research. The possible benefits of this: THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY COULD KNOW AND IN CASE JOIN HIVE TO SHARE SCIENTIFIC AND QUALITY CONTENT .


"Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition" Adam Smith.

This project will greatly appreciate any support regardless of the amount!


You can vote for my proposal here:


Facebook: Juan B'g

E-mail: bacab.juan09@gmail.com

Telegram : Juan B. García

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