RE: RE: Franklin D. Roosevelt Died 20606 Days Before 9/11 - The Position Of The Golden Gate At 266°
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RE: Franklin D. Roosevelt Died 20606 Days Before 9/11 - The Position Of The Golden Gate At 266°

RE: Franklin D. Roosevelt Died 20606 Days Before 9/11 - The Position Of The Golden Gate At 266°

Yes, I certainly feel like time is accelerating - and that humanity is rapidly approaching something very explosive - like the conclusion of this present age and the passing into a new age.
FDR's synchronicity and the 1388 connections are interesting... the Guidestones Cube being removed 777 days before Trump's Nov. 8 election is incredible. What an awesome find! It resonates with the theme of the other identical codes and is connecting the dots accordingly.
Have you felt like Nicholas Cage in the film "Knowing" yet? There's Time, 88, and Black Sun codes in that film too! Crazy stuff and it all synchronizes!

You have good insight and your research is thorough; the numerology is meticulous and numbers don't lie.

What is your take on the Black Cube mystery? Is it connected to Saturn, Father Time? To me this makes most sense, as Saturn is connected to it constantly.
Some say Saturn is the "Black Sun" in the occult circles.

The Holy of Holies in the Jewish Temples were cubes. The high priest would enter through and between the Two Pillars and enter the sanctum of the temple approaching the Cube.
The New Jerusalem, the heavenly city in Revelation is measured as a Cube!
There's a verse in the Bible that describes the temple dimensions as copies of heavenly things. As above, so below - the Hermetic Principle.

Hollywood also encodes the Black Cube, the Black Sun, and other specific supernatural Black symbols as references to Saturn. Are the elites implying that God and the Heavenly City are connected somehow to Saturn? Do they depict this as Black because to them the God from Above is evil,(He intends to return and end their reign of wickedness and arrogance according to prophecy) or is it Black because the elite are symbolizing a lofty plan to invade/assault the Heavenly Cube and corrupt it/destroy it?

Moving on with this in mind, 2001 A Space Odyssey, Interstellar, Man of Steel and other films have identical scenes depicting an occult theme of Time, Saturn, Black Cube/Monolith/Hole, and the arrival of a messianic king figure. (Star Child, Cooper with red cape, and Superman respectively)

I find this resonating perfectly with The Lord of the Rings:
The Black(Black Saturn) Speech, Eye of Sauron(saturn?), and one king to rule them all; all connecting to a Saturn matrix of identical theme.
And of course the books like you mentioned with the themes of Ring, Two Towers, and King. (101 code). Is this obviously what the Masonic Eye represents? The Eye of Providence on the One dollar bill above the truncated pyramid?

Saturn has a Hexagon on its north pole (2d hexagon = 3d cube) and a bizarre Eye shaped storm on the South pole.




How can the poles of Saturn have storms in the shape of a Hexagon and an Eye? How did the occult elite know of this centuries before ever sending a spacecraft there to find it?

This is a scene from the ritual ceremony for the opening of CERN's Gotthard Tunnel:
Notice the symbols of the Hexagon (of Saturn) and the Eyes (Eye of Saturn). The Lord of the Rings...

It begs a deeper question: what IS Saturn, and/or what is within it? And as a result of this, why are they representing it as God and/or a doorway to the higher dimension?

There's a show called "Supermansion" that has Trump twin codes, Saturn codes, and End of the World codes among some other symbols.

The lead character/hero called "Titanium Rex" has a dark triangle with "T" - it is a coded reference to Trump throughout the show. In one scene, Titanium Rex finds he has a clone - with a green face like Osiris. This theme of a Trump figure with a twin or more specifically a clone is disturbingly prevalent throughout Hollywood films!


Another character is "Black Saturn," and I think we know why!
maxresdefault 3.jpg

Notice the quantum D-Wave computers are the enigmatic Black Cubes.

This is the cover of an MIT magazine with an article on the heart of Artifical Intelligence:

Here is the disturbing article from inside the MIT issue. It says that AI is powered by "unknown forces" and is likened to a cart being pushed down a hill; out of control when it gets rolling, and has a mind of its own. Like opening a "Pandora's Box."
This parallels sentiments stated by major AI researcher and D-WAVE founder Geordie Rose... that the human-AI relationship is like bowing before an altar to an "alien god".
The connection between the Black Cube/Saturn symbol by MIT researchers in the field of AI and Geordie Rose's D-WAVE quantum computers being shaped as the Black Cube is extremely concerning.

Even CERN is not left out of this riddle:

In this clip from the official CERN YouTube channel, a leading CERN scientist relishes over a "sexy black cube".

Here's the Star Trek Borg cube:

Somehow this just all connects... my head is spinning.


Analyze the image above and notice how Roman SATURNalia and Donald Trump connect again in Gematria. The 9/11/2001 Ground Zero site connects to this of course...

The Two Dice and the Dark Tower... Donald Trump... King of Saturnalia...

Here's a Black Cube with relevant Purple Haze (look up Purple Dawn cult of Saturn) inside a trailer for a new Xbox video game called "Lost in Random".

I could go on and on. What are your thoughts on this Black Cube code? What do you make out of this specifically?
Please peek at this album:

Thanks for your personal insight brother. I feel we are getting closer to cracking this, whatever that may bring. All the components/pieces are in place and the codes are lining up to reveal the over arching agenda that seems to be colossal in scope.
Peace and Blessings.

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