If I were to be the president of Nigeria

We all have had the thought, at least at one time in our lives. If we were the President of our country we would do a lot of things. So, we would love to know, if you were made the president of your country today, what are the first three things you will do for your country?


This topic came just in time. At a time when things have become an illusion. I am from West Africa. Nigeria to be precise. My country gained her independence in 1960 and since then, she has taken control of all her resources. We are rated one of the most oil producing country in the world. And we have a very rich culture. In fact Nigeria is a blessed country.

However , there are a whole lot of things that are totally out of place for a country that has natural resources in abundance. From agriculture to mineral resources, we have all these in large quantities. So one may ask, what is the problem with such a blessed country? What will you do to change the country? Hence my answer to the question above.


As a president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria , the first thing I will do is close the land borders completely. My country Nigeria has what it takes to produce so many things that we import. So the question is why still import those things when they can be gotten in the country? Why do we boost the economy of other countries that we import things from when our own economy is dwindling?.
Closing the borders completely will revive Nigeria’s economy and will create a lot of employment opportunities for Nigerians. For instance, if the borders are closed, our agricultural sector will boom. Our rice millers will improve productions because everyone will eat our homemade rice. This will curb the unemployment rate and also increase the economy of the nation.
Secondly, we import wears. Have you ever been to Ariaria international market Aba? If yes, were you not amazed at the kind of things those Aba boys produce on a daily basis?
If importation is discouraged , we will have no choice than to wear our locally made wears. With the measures that i will put in place, i will ensure that our own locally made wears are durable, unique and reliable. I will ensure that the goods are well branded and sold at an affordable price that everyone can afford.
Thirdly we import cars too. Have you heard of Innosons motors? I have been fortunate to enter one of his brands and I will say that I was impressed. As a president, I will ensure than we stop the importation of cars and promote our own technology.


The next thing I will do as a president is fix the roads. Have you been to the Aba- portharcourt expressway especially during the rainy season? If Aba becomes the hub for production, where would the goods go through to other states? There are lots of dilapidated roads which has caused major setbacks in buying and selling in the country. This has hindered the economic growth of the country and I will ensure that I construct very good roads in all parts of the country. There have been great losses to the economy because of the bad roads which has halted productions too and one of the reasons why people prefer to import cars with the expectation that it is more durable.


Another thing I would do as the president is curb insecurity. I have solved this problem indirectly by doing the first two things i mentioned. If we concentrate on our locally made produce, I have created jobs 90% for everyone. If the roads are well structured, these goods can move freely to other states thereby increasing sales for the sellers which in turn will boost the economy. Now with that, like I said earlier,jobs have been created and insecurity has been defeated. Everyone will be busy working. We will have less to worry about insecurity in the country.
With these few points of mine, I hope I have convinced you enough to be the best president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

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