"The Lord will open the heavens, his generous treasure, to pour out rain in due time on earth, and to bless all the work of your hands."

What does it mean to walk under open skies?

1-I will lend to the nations

2-I will be head and not tail

3-I'm going to take you to the top

It starts from the biggest one and goes towards the smallest one.

The open sky will bring a financial blessing on your life: it will be so great that you will lend to the nations, the abundance will be wild. That financial success is so great, it is a hyperbole or an exaggeration "lend to the nations." Do not put emotional burden on money because it becomes a curse, "the love of money" is the root of all evil, you will bless the finances because they are only a tool to which you do not put emotional burden.

There are people who put the burden of freedom on money, your freedom depends on finances or depends on power: having a car OK, a beautiful house or that puts the burden of power on money. If I project you power, money is now a curse. Another burden is the security, if I save money I feel safe, I put the security charge to the money, if I have it I'm sure but no. I can also put the burden of fear, be afraid to prosper, there are people who live in debt because the burden they put on the money is fear, they are inhibited to thrive, they are afraid to grow and overcome. Others put the burden of obsession on money: everything is money, everything is money, they are hungry for money but:

I do not serve money, money serves me.

In Proverbs 27.23 Solomon said: "take care of your sheep, make sure of how they are", a person who learns to manage information, will manage money well. If you have a warehouse and do not know how it is working, you do not know how to manage finances. He also gives the example of the ant, knows how to make provision, saves; You do not have to burn the money in your hand, you have to handle it intelligently.

Extraordinary leadership: it will put us at the head, we will be leaders, that is the second rain. The leader builds bigger dreams forward, builds teams to grow. Do not play catch, raise people, form a team of big people around you. There are people who do not play to win, play not to lose (take care of your little one, what little you have).

Build personal dreams: "I will take you to the top", success is that you achieve everything you have proposed, that you are connected with your own desires and not that you fulfill the dreams of others. To achieve your dream you do not have to fight or play to win, winning is not the goal. The goal to reach the top is to give your best.

Every time you hurt someone something, it's because that person is walking in front of you.

We have to use the Holy Spirit that is within us. The Holy Spirit comes in two ways about you. It is in you and it is over you.

It is in me: inside me, for me; is when you no longer fight with your character, with deceit, jealousy, with those who hurt you, etc. You walk in the spirit and not in the flesh. And when it is about you: you are anointed to do something for others, you can "touch" them with your faith. When the Spirit came upon Ezekiel, he affirmed it on his feet; It represents that you will be safe, firm, convinced, you will have esteem, renewal, vision, new experiences with the Lord. First it gets into you, then it comes over you, it anoints you and what it did in you is for the other. Jesus said: "The Holy Spirit is upon me to tell good news to the poor, so that I stand in front of poverty and God backs me, to publish freedom for the captives, to order that the afflicted be given a mantle of joy instead of anguished spirit. "

There are those who have the anointing and touch many, but within themselves they have not solved their own problems, but it also happens the other way around, you are advancing because you are acquiring a character that takes you forward, but you do not "touch" anyone. The Lord wants to be in you and on you.


"For the heavens to open they have to pay attention to my word and obey it, says the Lord." When people go before you, they will block the miracle, they will silence you because they do not want you to be blessed, the example is in the blind man who shouted: "Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me" and those who went ahead they scolded him to be quiet, but he began to scream even louder. Strive every day to reach the maximum for your life, act correctly to get out of each difficult circumstance. Get angry with what does not work, activate your effort, and do not stop until you reach the right place!


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