The first bladeless wind turbine

The first bladeless wind turbine


Vortex Bladeless is a generator that instead of rotating like a conventional mill rotates and oscillates at a very small angle, that is, it comes and goes, it is based on an elastic resonance principle, an example to understand this is when an opera singer is capable of breaking a glass with your voice, you are doing a resonance phenomenon, this occurs when both frequencies are close and one absorbs energy from the other (fluid - voice)


In the case of the generator it is the same, what happens instead of sound is with the turbulence that the structure itself generates; that is, when the frequency at which the structure would oscillate is close to the frequency at which the eddies that pass through the structure appear, when both are close, the structure begins to absorb energy.


Perhaps it is one of the simplest machines in the world capable of collecting energy from the wind, the energy market right now is changing dramatically in many ways, not only towards clean energies but also towards distributed generation and in urban surroundings, residential surroundings, perhaps it could be a solution to generate energy in an urban environment.

Right now the technology is covered by five families of patents, being the first of its kind, being a device somewhat different from everything that existed before, they have not had problems in terms of novelty and inventive activity that are the requirements for make a patent and it was the Spanish David Janer who invented the technology of the bladeless wind turbine, an invention as striking as it is promising.

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