Why Partiko Could Change Your Experience On STEEM Forever!

Why Partiko Could Change Your Experience On STEEM Forever....png

It started a few weeks ago when I started seeing this all over Steemit blogs...


I figured it was some kind of new browser extension and didn't really pay it too much attention...However it kept popping up and then guys like @stackin and @steemcafe blogged about 'a new mobile app for the STEEM blockchain'...

Urggggh a mobile app!

In their year end blog post Steemit Inc stated that one of the major areas they felt like they missed the boat was mobile applications. So 2018 was the year a lot of us expected an official mobile application that we could use to engage with the STEEM blockchain..

I know, 'eSteem' has been around for a while now and lots of people swear by it. However, I could never get logged into the app and gave up after about month 3 of trying...And since then there has been a few apps that have come and gone in popularity. So a lot of us have been waiting...


And along comes Partiko!


I'm going to try to be as unbiased as possible but let me put the disclaimer out here first...

I absolutely LOVE this app!


(The layout for your profile as seen on the iOS version.)

If I was designing a mobile application for STEEM, Partiko would be everything I could dream up and then some...

The layout and user experience is flawless.

The design is super clean and easy to navigate but more importantly for me...

I could ACTUALLY use it!


(Easy to navigate and a clean design...For a mobile app, this is critical!)

Not only can you upvote comments and post but you can compose your own content, follow or unfollow other Steemians as well as comment on other's content.

Essentially it's like having the Busy.org / Steemit app in the palm of your hand and allows you to keep up to date with everything going on...While you are on the go!

One of the coolest aspects to the Partiko app is their reward system. You get 'points' for using the app daily. I'm still not 100% sure what those points will be used for but there are plenty of rumors...And massive excitement about what you will be able to trade those points in for...Don't worry, there is a leaderboard that will keep you addicted and using the app every single day too....


(I'm such a sucker for point systems and gamification!)

All in all, this is an app that could be one of the most important things developed here on STEEM.


Other than the fact that about 90% of the world has access to a mobile phone...I think it'll help adoption!

The more we can use the STEEM blockchain in our day to day activities, the better. And yes, there are amazing apps out there like Steepshot and Appics (when they become available) but this allows us to engage with EVERYTHING on the STEEM blockchain. We can keep up with out followers and engage them in a mobile environment which is once again, critical for more adoption.

On top of that...The app just works! I've only been using it for a little over a week but this is going to change so much for me when it comes to STEEM.

O.K.....That was my attempt to NOT be too much of a fan boy...Here's my 'unbiased and partial' suggestion lol

We can get 'points' for upvoting and commenting on the blockchain, but you can also get points for composing and creating content as well. This is the only part of the app I have not yet used. And that's not because there is something wrong with it. The thought of writing a 500-600 word blog post on my iPhone...Scares me.

There are Bluetooth keyboards that we can use and I may do that going forward, but I have always enjoyed writing my posts on my desktop. Not sure what Partiko could do to help us keyboard fanatics, but the more 'points' we can get by using the app, the better. As I mentioned before...I'm addicted to the points system lol

And that's it....lol I'm not joking when I say...Partiko is almost perfect!

Give it a try now, it's available on both Apple and Android devices and can be downloaded via the App Store and Google Play!

It may just change your STEEM experience forever :)

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://plus1daily.com/why-partiko-could-change-your-experience-on-steem-forever/

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