The Power of Daily Writing: How Consistency and Commitment Transformed My Skills

The Hive Blockchain has structured a transparent system where users can monitor their growth in the space; this growth is rated according to the users' reputation. In order for this reputation to grow, a high level of discipline to engage in the blockchain is expected of every user. Fortunately, the InLeo community initiated a strategy to attain this steady growth of reputation; it is the result of constant participation in the daily writing task, which is a formidable challenge. The journey of this consistent engagement cuts across daily commenting, blogging, threading, and upvoting in the ecosystem, which are part of the criteria for a transformative reputation.


My two months' engagement in the daily task has strategically impacted my writing abilities and personal growth. The InLeo writing task began last month (March) with the intention of building the blockchain and improving user engagement. Several benefits accompany the exercise: participants often gain good upvotes after every write-up, making them earn $HBD, $HIVE, $LEO, and other second-layered tokens. Also, at the end of every month, selected participants are rewarded with an InLeo premium account worth $10. Beyond these benefits that are earned from the contest, being committed to the daily writing routine has sharpened my skills and instilled in me a high sense of discipline and perseverance.

In the beginning, the task seemed difficult and impossible to accomplish. I doubted I would be part of this engagement because of the demands that are part of the exercise. Fortunately, I began to see the advantages it offered me— for instance, connecting with other lions (participants) in the blockchain and the discipline I mentioned earlier.

Behind the success stories, there were hurdles. There are days I write about the prompt for the day in a worn-out mood; I can be probably tired, sad, or emotionally down, yet I get myself together to deliver the task. This taught me a lesson about growing beyond my emotions to achieve my goals: sometimes life may not give you what you need, but you can't let it detect you. With that in mind, I didn't let the situation in life determine the goals I needed to achieve.

In the aspect of my writing skill, it grew to become an enticing and well-structured one; before now, I felt unenthusiastic reading my articles, but now I get excited and wish to read more of their kind. This made me proud of my growth! As a writer, you'll agree with me that there are some days when there's no inspiration forthcoming to write an article. What do you do at that instant? The same question came while participating in the prompt; I can't count the number of times I didn't have inspiration related to the topic. What helped me was when I stayed around nature, maybe sitting out with friends or listening to music.

From my little story above, I also learned the lesson of perseverance; no matter the frustration or no-inspiration syndrome, I persist. I make sure the day does not skip; I must make a post.

However, I did not feel fulfilled in the writing journey because another essence of the prompt was to encourage more people to join the task, which was an aspect I could not achieve very well. It would not be fair if I improved myself and left other people with great minds behind.

So, to anyone hesitant to begin the writing prompt, here is my friendly advice: join the Inleo community and start today. At least set aside just a few minutes each day to put something on your blog. Don’t stop when you are tired, stop when you are done.


The number of people engaging in the task is not equivalent to the number of Inleo users; aside from that, we have many hivers who are not aware of it. So, a new strategy should be looked into as regards bringing them to participate in the prompt.


Here is a post for April Inleo Prompt

This article is written in InLeo

Inleo is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH, and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: Inleo allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency reward

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