Steemchurch :TIME TO PRAY

It's a glorious day to come your way with another ground breaking message from God. Am privileged to be a part of God's ministry.

O you who hear prayer, to you all flesh shall come and pray (Psalm 65: 2)

The Psalmist brings us to one of the important nature of God, He hears and answers prayer.
So David affirms to us that because God hears prayer, all men shall come to Him or pray to Him. I like the Young's literal translation version: "O Hearer of prayer, unto Thee shall all flesh come (and pray)".
Actually God Himself invites us to come and pray to Him and promised to answers us. But what do we petition Him for? What do we request of Him? And what do we ask of Him? Basically most people like you and I ask for material things - money, food, cloths, shelter, protection, and others. These are not bad or wrong when we ask God for them. But I believe, God would wants us to go into deeper and hidden things we do know but need to succeed and excel in life to His glory.
Moses told the people of Israel, "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which He reveals belong to us and our children forever that we may do what is written in the law (Deut 29: 29). Is it wonder that God told Jeremiah to call on Him for these deep things, these secret and hidden things, not known to men but known to God? "Call unto Me and I will answer you and show you great and secret things you which you do not know (Jer 33: 3). What we have no knowledge of, what we have no understanding of God knows them and understands them. What we can't see and what is hidden from us, He the Lord sees them, and are not hidden from Him.


So as we about to enter a new year, there are many things that are bound to happen which we do not know, there are certain secret keys we need to know to navigate through the year but do not know, and there are hidden things - opportunities, people and resources that need to be unveiled and revealed to us for us to become all that we could become in the new year. And guess who can make them known to us so that they become our possession forever and that we can live by them to accomplish God will and purposes for our lives? It's the reason we have to take advantage of the invitation to come to Him, the one who hears prayer and pray to Him for Him to show us these great and secret things we have no knowledge of but of which He wills to show us and bless us with.
So as we approach the end of year, know that it's time to pray, not just for material things, but for revealed things, hidden things, secret things, great and might things that can create and manifest material things.
And may you seek God in accordance with His word and pray as He promised to make them available to us.
And may His blessing with the unknown, hidden and secret things abound to you to catapult you to success, fruitfulness and progress in 2019 come upon you in Jesus name. Amen
Begin to spend some time in prayer for the deep, secret and hidden things of God
Shalom, life and grace to you
Moving people onto God's purposes
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