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Scott Adams talked about how he was trying to buy a Toyota truck somewhere where they had none. Scott asked them to call whenever they got the kind of trucks he wanted. He didn't get a call. By the way, when you go to a car dealership, they try to wear you down so you are more likely to buy the wrong vehicle as you are more invested waiting a long time. Solution is bring your laptop, have a good time said Scott, they're watching, they'll see their tactic of wearing you down is not working. It's very hard to buy cars as people buy them before the cars get to car lots. In some cases, demand may be up. Also, supplies are down.

Video: Oatmeal Stole Bagels in New York in 2005? What is Ironic Mystic - Ra Ra Roo Roo Show.




Barbie Oatmeal

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-03-09 - Saturday | Published in March of 2024


In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

01:33 AM
Oatmeal Stole Bagels in New York in 2005?

Stole bagels
That's fake news
Think outside the headlines
Last time I did I never came back
Who's fault was that
For crying out Darth Lazer on AOL in the 1990s, it was yours
Nah, for crying out Gwen Stefani No Doubt & Mandy Moore in a 3-way, it was Kenni
What ya trying tell me Oatmeal, what you talking about Willis
I wrote an article about it dated 2005-05-11 - Wednesday
How it all started, how you steal those bagels
I didn't steal no bagels, let me tell you what really happened
For the love of Mea Omnia which was never able to become as cool as Elon Musk stuff, what really happened?
It all started during my first year in college in New York at WOLBI around May of 2005 or earlier
Then what happened?
Many students already paid for three meals a day during their stay as a student including in tuition, room and board, or whatever, that included me and most students I assume, that means breakfast, lunch, and dinner, all paid for already
Boring, fast forward to the good parts like you are Jim Carey or whoever it was in Click
Mike Gossin, my roommate in room 29 or 28, whatever room we were in in the Hungary dorm
Michael Jackson slept with you
What, no, Gossin, and probably the other 2 roomies too, they were like grab some bagels for us because we're too lazy to roll out of bed for goddamn breakfast
This is part where you stole bagels?
No, the bagels were already bought but Abel Miller was this RA who gave me an infraction, he wrote me up
Wait, wasn't Abel the guy who stole your girl, Naomi
Which Naomi? I had like 3 but anyways, apparently I must of the rules
Is that why you wrote all that stuff to Dave Kelly?
Who was right?
My strengths can be also be my weaknesses, I was being technical like a lawyer trying to find loop-holes, the spirit of the law over the actual words directly, I probably wrote a previous letter to Dave about that, I try too hard at times
You gonna tell me all the fake news about you spread by your 500+ Discord Server Lolcow Cows hiding in the mist of your 300,000+ followers, spread by people like Fish, that all of the lies and deception about you are all true
You gotta pick your battles and be aware of collateral damage even in the mist of the alleged greater good, like even if you're right you can be wrong long-term in that the ends may not always justify the means even while cooking up original green oatmeal with Brent Groth of Comcast Wanted Adventure Host in 2009 as it was on TV in 2010
Like the time you ran away from Charlotte Battle in 2011 or the time you ran away from Saigon Vietnam FYG in 2016 or the time you ran away from Town Drunk Arnie in 2018 or the time you ended things with Jen Moore in 2007 before they even started as she was already taken or Sharon Clayton in 2012 before the robin bird threw you in prison
I'll tell you what, it turns out the cooks in the kitchen making breakfast and all the meals like to count how many people are eating what food meaning it might throw them off if you smuggled food over to your dorm buddies or who knows maybe you're selling bagels on the black market
Oatmeal, does that mean you were wrong?
Ra Ra, I never said I wasn't

07:00 PM
What is Ironic Mystic - Ra Ra Roo Roo Show

It's like Elon Musk's Tesla Twitter Space X Everything App except for video games
Probably between 1995 and 2000 which was the year we got a second camcorder, we went to Idaho, I started attending high school at FGHS for 4 years in Forest Grove, Oregon, USA
1995 was 29 years ago
I wasn't born yesterday
So, how it all started?
I was coloring in 1989 when I was four, I was drawing Indians in 1991
Hey, that's racist, you not Pocahontas, only Pocahontas can draw Aladdin
I came up with the name from like a dictionary, I ended up putting 2 interesting words together
But why, what in the the like 1995 black Cynthia & Belinda
Probably because Fox Kids had a video game contest in 1995 or whatever year it was or they at least had a Power Rangers monster design contest that I was also interested in meaning I was drawing monsters for that contest as well
How this everything universal Ironic Mystic video game console work?
This was probably not my only video game console design
The idea for consoles like Ironic Mystic was to be universal so you stick any game from any console into it be it from Nintendo, SEGA, Atari, and I'm not sure if I knew about the Sony Playstation yet and this was before Microsoft Xbox
Are we still talking about video games?


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

08:17 PM
Yeah, sometimes you gotta sleep in. As soon as kids can understand sin, then the next thing would be salvation which is good news acting as a contrast and like you said with liberty.

Discord Drama

2024-03-09 - Saturday - 12:16 PM - Discord Log

I was the one who put Shoooove back in Prison for talking about having police swat me like cops did in 2023. This account claimed to be a woman. Shoooove said nobody can see chat-level-29. Shoooove lied saying I was messaging Shoooove for an entire day. But Shoooove failed to say Shoooove put me on a scavenger hunt as I was trying to figure out the secret identity of Shoooove which at the end Shoooove said Shoooove is Leo. Now, who is Leo? Not totally sure. Shoooove was joking or serious about crimes against me with people like Hoodbarber. Many accounts do seem to be ok with serious crimes like the ones done against me in 2023. Discord notes. My Discord Server. Could be my last message in chat-level-00 forever or for a long time as follows. 2024-03-09 - Saturday - 12:55 PM PST - I wrote: "Hold on, I'm being swatted again."

Arnold Attic

2024-03-09 - Saturday - 02:44 PM - My 2002 Log - dmf090312-021.MPG.

2002-02-15 - Friday - silent video: Sonic The Blue Hog. By Joey Arnold, The Cool Kid. I recorded video of my Sonic drawing probably in my Biology class with Garcia. I also wrote Ironic Mystic. I had Sonic say the following: "Yo I'm a hog and not a dog, turn into ball on the wall, eating candy that is sandy, buste the flow, here my show, shoutin glow, rapin bow, freestyling row, I'm ryming so go." On this video, the next thing I see is me recording my basketball friends at lunch probably that same day. I see Mychel Gould. Before Sonic I see people during Sunday School at my CCBC church which may have been recorded before I recorded my Sonic. If I didn't get the camcorder my birthday, then I didn't record CCBC before Sonic on Friday. Well, I drew Sonic, I dated it Friday. I either recorded the video of Sonic that same Friday or after that. Perhaps I recorded CCBC on a Sunday after that Friday and then Sonic on a weekday after that Sunday. But that is assuming the clips are in order as sometimes I would mix up clips as I copy from VHS to VHS and later from VHS to DVD and then later to hard drives and the Internet and so on and so forth. I may not always know when clips were from as some videos were not dated. I think I know generally what year most of my videos are from. Not always sure which month tho. Guy who did youth group, beard, glasses, smoked, recorded him at CCBC. Jerry Proctor. Or maybe Gary Proctor. Pastor's wife. I started recording as I walked into the church meaning one of the first I recorded was pastor Kevin Morse. Kevin's son. 3 old ladies. Kevin's daughter I think and/or a daughter of Mark Jeffrey. After that, Biology class where I recorded Sonic. I see girls including Selena Willner. Dan. Other people I knew.

Video: dmf090312-022.MPG: silent video: I see Rolland Stuck, English class with Bramwell. I see Tera. I see other students I knew. In my school bus number 23 recording people outside after school. Dmf090312-023.MPG: school bus continued, Katie Moon. Dmf090312-024.MPG: at HCBC, Crystal, Jessi Millner, Rachel Gasser. Koelbl. Breedlove. David & Eric, 2 brothers. Van ride home in the dark. Dmf090312-025.MPG: WOL basketball marathon in like March or as late as April of that year. Dmf090312-026.MPG: WOL basketball marathon continued. After that, True Hope at the park, Joe Sprietler, this might be Easter because I did record True Hope on Easter or this might be a previous Sunday before Easter Sunday. Dmf090312-027.MPG: True Hope park continued, Alicia Sprietler airplane. Cuts to me in the backyard doing my dancing and other like bits. Dmf090312-028.MPG: FGHS, cooking class, mixed with True Hope park a few times meaning some of these clips are not in exact chronological order as it jumps around a few times. Dmf090312-039.MPG: audio included: 2003 FGOR163 park soccer. I think it was 2003.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Who is Erin Carter 102

2024-03-09 - Saturday - 03:33 AM - Who is Erin Carter 102

She tries to teach there full time. Her student did bad. She stick thing into computer like spy. Her friend is kidnapped. She rescues him. He saves her.

12:01 PM
Scott Adams - Part 1 of 2: Episode 2408 CWSA 03/09/24

12:25 PM
Scott Adams talked about how he was trying to buy a Toyota truck somewhere where they had none. Scott asked them to call whenever they got the kind of trucks he wanted. He didn't get a call. By the way, when you go to a car dealership, they try to wear you down so you are more likely to buy the wrong vehicle as you are more invested waiting a long time. Solution is bring your laptop, have a good time said Scott, they're watching, they'll see their tactic of wearing you down is not working. It's very hard to buy cars as people buy them before the cars get to car lots. In some cases, demand may be up. Also, supplies are down.

Who is Erin Carter 103

2024-03-09 - Saturday - 11:00 AM - Who is Erin Carter 103

Swimming pool. Watch my kid. Sarcasm. Home made meal. She tries to get a person to delete a photo. Problem is you cannot really delete files without writing new data over it. Get my money back. Tennis. Hotel. Shooting. Lady shot. Jump off bridge onto truck. Roll into grass.

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Who is Erin Carter 102

2024-03-09 - Saturday - 03:33 AM - Who is Erin Carter 102

11:45 AM
"Shadow Government" - Candace Owens and Chris Cuomo React to Biden's State of the Union Performance

12:01 PM
Scott Adams - Part 1 of 2: Episode 2408 CWSA 03/09/24

01:59 PM
State of the Union DISASTER - Biden Losing Support | CobraCast 199

04:29 PM
HiRezTV - Donald Trump & Tucker Carlson - Anti Everything (Rap Song)

05:15 PM
Hollywood STRIKES Again? Sweet Baby STINK! Zack Snyder | Friday Night Tights 292 w The Soska Sisters

Who is Erin Carter 103

2024-03-09 - Saturday - 11:00 AM - Who is Erin Carter 103

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Bed around 04:40 AM. I got up at 11:10 AM. Mom is researching bloating, she got him to negotiate when to take the new medicine pills he got like Thursday. Mom might be watching a home interior design and decoration like show. As I broke up the icy coffee in a jar I had in the RV fridge, the jar broke, shattered. Breakfast, 11:41 AM. Lunch, 12:25 PM. Vacuum around 01:00 PM, swept sidewalks. More lunch, 01:25 PM. Chores around 03:00 PM to 04:17 PM: dishes, compost, RV, light rain at times outside, mail. Moistake: moisty mistakes. Dinner, 05:40 PM while watching Ghostbusters. Shower around 06:30 PM. Back here at 06:55 PM. Food in from car, 9 PM. 2 strawberries. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, orange, 11:41 AM. Lunch: salad, 12:25 PM. Potatoes, 01:25 PM. Dinner: cheese like chips, another kind, a third kind, milk chocolate Reese cup thing, toasted cheese like garlic bread, 05:40 PM. ChinhPham0326: Son Class 0164: 2024-03-09 - Saturday - 09:28 PM. 1. Page 41-46 of the other book: Good News. Afford. Misused. Spared room. Polite, nice. 45, Always Young story. Grow. Grow up. Zombies 2: Cran Jelly. Override. Damages. Nightcap. She'll means she will, you can say shell for she'll.