My activity when photographing students practicing volleyball at school

Hello all hive friends Welcome to Joelibra again in this beloved community I feel very happy that on this very happy day I can still meet my friends and make posts in this beloved community, I hope that all my friends are always in good health and can carry out their activities as usual. Hopefully today's activities will get maximum results according to with what we expect.

On this occasion I will share several photos of my activities when photographing female students who were practicing volleyball at school. In this case I did not waste this opportunity and immediately photographed the students using the cellphone camera that I had.

My venerable hive friends
A few days ago I saw lots of students doing volleyball practice on the volleyball court in the school yard and I also saw several teachers doing training and coaching for the students and the students were being trained in the correct game of volleyball.

As we know, school is a place to gain knowledge and one of this knowledge is the knowledge of the correct game of volleyball. By practicing volleyball properly, it is hoped that students will become successful volleyball players.

I saw that almost every day volleyball training was held and the students were very interesting and happy to take part in the training and the students received special direction and practice from their teacher who also served as their coach. In terms of practicing volleyball, they have a special coach who understands the game of volleyball.

That's what I can share in this post, hopefully it's useful for all of us and thank you for the visit and support from all my friends and finally see you in my next post, of course in this greatest community.
Have a good activity
good luck for the future

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