The Ultimate Savings Account.

CUB Kingdom as a savings plan.

For quite some time now, my primary focus for accumulating Crypto assets has been the Cosmos Eco-system. I have found the growth and explosion of projects there to be most rewarding, plus it has given me plenty to post about here with all the airdrops and new projects rolling along. But the focus there has distracted me from something I should not have dropped the ball on.

Cub Finance.

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Gradually, over time I have moved most of my assets away from Cub, and into various Cosmos eco-system projects. For quite a period of time in fact, I had no Cub holdings at all - directly anyway. Indirectly, I have always felt that I still have some connection, through holding SPI tokens. As part of that program, I manage the @spinvest-leo account, and most of its assets are on Cub. So personally, I drifted away. Even with POLYCUB on the horizon I never really felt the urge to get back in the game, until the last minute when I shifted some assets into the Kingdom.

However, I have come to see that this has been a misstep. Now that crypto is my main source of income, I am realizing that having all my funds locked and needing weeks and weeks to unlock is not a great idea. I need a liquid savings account, that can be quickly converted to fiat if unexpected expenses arise. And, looking around, it is becoming more and more apparent that the Cub Kingdom is the best place to build that savings fund.

Why CUB Kingdom specifically?

Firstly, the CUB token price is, to my mind anyway, quite undervalued. Particularly since the recent dump, it feels like an absolute bargain. So, a savings fund that has a high potential over the coming months to gain in value is a no-brainer. If the plans to role out numerous POLYCUB clones across the range of EVM chains do eventuate (and I see no reason why they won't), then demand for CUB should grow significantly as more people see the benefit. Stacking CUB's under $0.25 feels like an obvious move here. I'm not a huge fan personally of USD based stable-coins as a savings plan, growth assets appeal to me much more and CUB fits that bill.

Second, CUB fits the needs of readily accessible liquidity. I had a moment yesterday where I wanted to pull a hundred or so dollars of crypto, to buy a few NFT's. I was able to, in a matter of minutes, pull a bit out of the CUB kingdom, send it to Binance, trade to ATOM, pull it out, and then trade on Osmosis and mint these NFT's. It literally took minutes, from CUB in the Kingdom, to NFT's in my wallet. I had no other liquid funds at the time, and being able to do this so fast is a big tick for having a savings fund in the CUB Kingdom. Flexibility is so important, and having easy access to funds makes pouncing on opportunities so important.

Third, decent APR. Money saved in the CUB Kingdom earns a decent APR, which has increased lately thanks to the "Pendulum". Earning basically 50% APR (65% APY) on liquid savings is an awesome deal. No way for money in the bank to pay this. Of course, Farming Liquidity Pools can generate this kind of income, or more. But to have an auto-compounding, single asset savings account, instantly accessible with no penalties, and no Impermanent Loss risk, is a very attractive option.

Fourth, airdrops. As we have been seeing, Holding CUB has the benefit of qualifying for the POLYCUB airdrop. This is quite a lucrative additional benefit. The benefit here is not just the current POLYCUB drop, it also stretches in to the future with the other outposts, or "pride's" that are in the plans - starting with Avalanche it seems.

So, overall, CUB shapes up as a superior place to build up some readily accessible capital.


So we have taken a look at the why, now down to looking at how I'm planning to go about this. Currently, my Kingdom position is roughly 6000 CUB's. Not nothing, but nowhere near what I would like it to be. So, here are a few ways I plan to boost it:

  1. Post payouts. I have been very grateful that my recent content is being well supported. An obvious source of funds to build my CUB position is from HIVE and LEO post payouts. Simple to convert, and if I keep up with providing content people like, a source of funds coming from income rather than existing capital.

  2. HIVE. I have started to power down HP. I know the HIVE maxi's around will hate me for this, but separating emotion from logic, it just makes sense. HIVE powered up with a 13 week unlock, earns 12%, up to a possible 19% (16 from delegating to @leo.voter plus 3 from inflation). Compared that to 60% on funds with an instant unlock and all the benefits listed above. I know there are other benefits from holding Hive Power, and I have no intention of powering down all the way, but swapping some from HP to CUB makes sense for me.

  3. POLYCUB. One other source of funds, that may be a controversial take around here, is that I am selling my POLYCUB airdrop. Having no other available funds to put in to farms or kingdoms currently, I have made the decision that my personal airdrop will get converted back to more CUB. Probably not a great choice, but looking at the long run, I'd rather build that position to be much better placed for the next launch of Avax-cub than have a relatively smallish position on the two platforms. Boosting my CUB for the next time makes sense in my head. Besides, I still get a nice amount of POLYCUB exposure from my SPI involvement. Part of why I love @spinvest so much is that it gives me the freedom to take a different course of action to many, and still have exposures to all of these things.

So there you have it, CUB is the ultimate savings account.

What do you all think, am I making a mistake in any of this planning, or on the right path? Will I regret not stacking my POLYCUB drop into XPOLYCUB?

Thanks for reading,


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