Introducing LeoFinance to the Comdex community.

Leofinance is a user generated content platform, and community on the Hive blockchain. Hive is primarily a Web 3, social media blockchain, and has been around for over 5 years. Originally, the community was on the STEEM blockchain, but a couple of years ago Justin Sun tried to take over STEEM. The community was not happy with the direction he wanted to go, so it forked the chain and created the Hive chain. The vast majority of the community left STEEM and have built Hive as a truly community built, highly decentralized blockchain.

Comdex community.png

You can find the new Comdex Community Page and take a look for yourself. There is a little tidying up to do, with a bigger logo and rearrange the links, but it is up and running to become the home page for Comdex content.

What is Leofinance?

The Leofinance community is a dedicated community on HIVE, sharing content about all things crypto and finance. The community has over 600 active users that specifically use the Leofinance front end, but a much bigger reach beyond. Content posted on Leofinance is posted to the Hive blockchain, and will also be available across a range of other front ends, like Peakd.

The Leofinance community are passionate about crypto, and are looking for new projects to invest in. The team behind Leofinance have launched their own DeFi apps, with CubFinance on Binance Smart Chain and Polycub on Polygon Matic. Hive is the home base for Leo, but certainly not its limits.

What does all this have to do with Comdex?

Leofinance has just launched it's latest feature, being Community Pages. A community page is simply a hub for content based on a specific topic. Now, rather excitingly, just the third community page to be set up is for Comdex. We had communities for Thorchain, and Splinterlands (a Hive based play2earn game that is one of the largest blockchain games). And now Comdex is the third page.

There are already some passionate Comdex fans that have been posting on Leo. @carbonzerozone is a validator for Comdex, and posts from this account as well as @nulledgh0st is also part of a Comdex validator team, (Whispernode) and while he has been quiet lately, he will be back to contribute and help moderate this new community. I've also produced a number of Comdex related posts, and the majority of content I create is focused on various projects in the Cosmos.

Comdex is a small project currently, but I pushed for it to be added as a community early on for a few reasons.

  • I have a big bag, and anything I can do to spread the word about Comdex is worth the effort. (A purely selfish reason)

  • I believe that Leofinance is a great target for Comdex. Mostly dedicated crypto natives, we have a community here ranging from people creating content to earn some crypto and build a future, through to whales looking for new projects to invest in.

  • Having a presence on LEO and Hive increases awareness for Comdex beyond the Cosmos. Being a smaller Cosmos project currently, awareness and outreach beyond the Cosmos eco-system will be so important for Comdex as new products are launched.

  • Community Generated Content works. Just take the example of Thorchain. The project was pushed and promoted by its community. A large amount of community content made it one of the most well known Crypto projects, and that has translated in to a well recognized and high profile brand. Building that kind of awareness is something the Comdex community can do, if it wishes.

  • Comdex's goal is to "Democratize Finance". Leofinance's goal is to "Democratize Financial Knowledge". Sounds like a great fit to me.

Get involved.

Joining Leofinance is easy. So easy in fact that it does not even feel like a Web 3 experience. But it is. Simply click "Get started" in the top right corner of the home page. There are three signup options, creating a HIVE account directly, or signing up via Twitter or Facebook. These will create a new HIVE account on the back end, without any initial hassle of keys and so on. Just use these options to sign in, and away you go.

It is always recommended that once familiar with how it all works, you download your keys and take full ownership of your account. Hive has plain, user readable wallet names. Rather than an Oxc123blahblahblah or comdex123xyzabcblahblahblah wallet address, your user name is your wallet. So for me, @jk6276 is my Hive wallet, and access to every dApp built on HIVE. With the Twitter and Facebook account creation, Leofinance has made onboarding a breeze, but like everything in crypto, "Not your keys, not your crypto". In this case, it can also be seen as "not your keys, not your content".

Once you sign up, drop a message to myself, @carbonzerozone or @whispernode. Simply reply to this post, or one of their recent posts, so we know you are here from the Comdex community. We will be happy to help you learn your way around Leofinance. Bookmark the Comdex community page to keep up to date.

Content posted to Hive from the Leofinance front end can earn rewards. If the community like the post, they will use their stake to upvote it. This is the primary method of distributing inflation on Hive. Users with stake vote on content. Rewards are allocated from inflation based on the weight of stake upvoting. Once 7 days pass, those rewards are payed out, half back to the voters (we call that curation) and half to the content creator. You can earn HIVE, a token called HBD (which is the Hive chains native stableish coin) and if you post from Leo front end, LEO tokens as well.

Earning rewards should be seen initially as a side benefit. Yes it is possible, but it can take a while to build up an audience and gain regular support. Community pages can help speed up the process, as you content will be more easily found by people with some stake that are on the look out for Comdex specific content. For an awesomely detailed guide to Leo and Hive, check this post by @libertycrypto27.

What are you waiting for?

I know there are Comdex brand ambassadors that are incentivized to spread the word about Comdex. I know their are validators that are also working to raise awareness. Everyone in crypto preaches about decentralization. Why not walk the walk, and share your content on a decentralized, Web 3 platform like Leofinance, rather than centralized Web 2 Medium. How do we expect Blockchain to take over if we keep posting about it on centralized platforms. Leofinance, along with many other Hive projects, is Web 3 in action, from before the term Web 3 was even a thing.

Are you ready to walk the walk?

P.S. Joining is completely free. This is not a sales pitch, its an invitation.

Welcome Comdex community to Leofinance.

For full disclosure, the Comdex team is not behind this project, and has not collaborated or endorsed it. We would love to invite the team to review this community initiative, and would welcome the team to Leo with open arms.

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