You will agree with me that laws are created for men, not the other way around. Laws were set up as guiding principles for life and relations with one another. Chaos is the world where every man is left to live and rule as he wills without any laws or guiding principles.

I am a lover and fan of nature. I love to have enough space in my compound, which I hope in the near future will afford me a swimming pool, garden, and relaxation spot therein. Thus, my residential apartment is one that would have nothing less than three plots (a plot is 450 sq m here in Nigeria). Every community is established by a layout, one that gives a vivid description of its outlook in the near future. Builders and residents are thus expected to align their structures with the layout and occasionally, as seen in estates, in conformity with certain building plans. I have seen a lot of houses in estates and certain communities with similar building structures and designs. This often comes via a guide or survey, as established by a layout that gives a vivid description of its outlook in the near future, mandated for the members of that community.



It will be awkward for any individual to erect his structure in contrast to other designs mandated by a given person or system. How would you feel if your building was the only one not built according to the designs in the neighborhood? It will look more awkward than exceptional. If the law, however, permits an individual to lay down structures according to his desired architectural designs, it will be lovely to erect structures that would appeal aesthetically to passersby. The building does not have to be a mansion or big in size to be admired; simple but intellectually designed structures can win the hearts of passersby. I do not believe in setting up any building in a rush; such an asset is something that making changes to in the near future can be difficult or impossible. Just as I want my building to be appealing on the outside, I love to have my structure architecturally designed to taste so that I have features such as study rooms, well-spaced rooms, guest conveniences, etc.


Of course, we would hate on the government for demolishing structures since we focus more on the damages to property than the risk it poses to lives and perhaps community development. A common mark by the Towns and Rural Planning and Development Agency is a red X mark on structures that violate the set laws guiding the laying down of structures as they relate to the environment. A good vendor friend of mine who had recently expanded his shop by adding an extension to his shop had to withdraw his expansion, and you would ask why? The extension he added to his shop reached underneath the high-tension electric wire crossing overhead and passed the electric poles. Naturally, he did not consider such a potential threat, but it was a rule that had been in existence for our good. And recently, I saw a mini-transformer right beside the wall of a petrol filling station, which is located in a moderately densely populated environment. Many questions should arise here about the possible risks of such structures. Should fuel stations be situated in a residential area? Should a transformer be sighted just beside a fuel station?

My parents’ house is one that sits comfortably on more than two plots. We got our survey structure approved at the agency in charge of putting down structures. The challenge, however, was that our neighbor encroached on our property. We had the option of dragging them to court or maximizing our property to touch the neighbor’s fence. The obvious challenge was that we would be blocking out an access road, and like the saying goes, two wrongs do not make a right. Blocking the road would mean that our house would become close, and we would have to go around a 360-degree angle to access our neighbors behind. We made the compromise in good faith, and we have all lived peacefully in the neighborhood.



These are rights that are inherent and do not require laws to be enforced but rather, to be protected. As earlier stated, laws are created by and for man, but human rights are rights that protect humanity’s conduct. Life, for example, should not be decided by the fate of a few or many since nobody can create it. Other human rights are those of opinions and movements. Unfortunately, these human rights need to be constantly protected, as society voraciously denies other people these rights. Here in Nigeria, we have many human rights advocates, such as those that fight injustice for women abused or raped, people killed unjustly, etc. Like I stated, these rights are simple and inherent, but there is a serious need to protect them, sometimes through enacted laws, so that humanity can be preserved and sanity retained.

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