The Lifespan of Your Content: Why You Should Focus on Thinking Evergreen

Miles Beckler remains one of the few entrepreneurs that I follow outside of the AI and/or Crypto space and today I'm expanding on his content because it could benefit many of us here by following a lot of what he teaches.

Of course, his platforms of choice are those that are off chain; but that doesn't mean we can't approach it the same way focusing on this blockchain's dApps and inLEO as they are going to put us in a position to build our very own evergreen content.

For those who want to attract folks outside of inLEO/HIVE, can most definitely go the route of WEB2 to bring folks in.


How long does your content continue driving traffic after you hit publish? The lifespan of your content has a huge impact on your long-term marketing success.

As Miles Beckler shared in a recent email, different content platforms have drastically different lifespans. While a TikTok video may only drive traffic for a few hours, a blog post can keep bringing in visitors for a decade.

In this post, we’ll look at:

  • The fleeting lifespans of “hot” social platforms
  • Why you should focus on “evergreen” platforms like blogs and YouTube
  • Real examples of evergreen content driving traffic for years
  • How to get started with a traffic strategy that will keep working for you

The Fleeting Lifespan of Trendy Social Platforms

Platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and Facebook are red hot right now. But their content tends to have very short lifespans. These platforms thrive on what's new, now, and next.

Once a piece of content drops off the main feeds, its traction plummets. To stay relevant, you need to keep cranking out content constantly to stay atop the algorithm.

It’s easy to get caught on the “content treadmill” when relying on these ephemeral platforms. Their content lifespans tend to only be:

  • TikTok: Minutes to hours
  • Instagram: Hours to days
  • Facebook: Days to weeks
  • Pinterest: Weeks to months

No matter how viral a piece goes in the moment, its lifespan is fleeting. Traffic drops off a cliff until you publish something new.

**Focus on Evergreen Platforms for Long-Term Growth **

Compare those lifespans to a platform like blogging. The same blog post can continue driving traffic for months or years after publication.

  • Blogs: Months to years
  • YouTube: Months to years

These evergreen platforms thrive on search and recommendations. Content gets indexed and continues being suggested long after publication.

Instead of chasing the next viral hit, you can publish evergreen content with lifespans of five or ten years. Each new piece continues compounding, delivering traffic 24/7.

**Real Examples of Evergreen Content Lifespans **

To see these radically different lifespans in action, consider real examples from Miles Beckler:

  • His top YouTube video is 3.5 years old, yet drove 49,000 visits in the past year alone.
  • His wife has blog posts over 10 years old that still bring in subscribers and sales.
  • Their evergreen content assets continue paying them for years after creation.

Rather than relying on ephemeral virality, they built channels that keep distributing and recommending content long-term. This adds up to sustainable growth and residual income.

**Getting Started with an Evergreen Traffic Strategy
If you’re just getting started, leverage these platforms with expanded lifespans right from the beginning. Here are tips for doing it right:

Choose a profitable niche. Before creating any content, do research to find a niche with an existing audience and money-making potential.

Start your blog ASAP. Your blog will become a long-term source of SEO traffic and email subscribers. Use a search-optimized hosting platform.

Study evergreen traffic strategies. Learning tips like ideal blog post length, keyword research, ranking factors, and more will set you up for long-term search traffic.

Make YouTube part of your mix. Optimized YouTube videos can continue generating views and subscribers for years to come.

Then focus on creating 10-20 evergreen blog posts and videos right off the bat. Nurture this content, promote it, and watch your traffic grow steadily over the coming months and years.

Remember, the strategy you choose today determines your future workload and potential income. By focusing on evergreen platforms, you can work smarter and create truly passive income over time.

The Takeaway: Choose Your Platforms Wisely

All content is not created equal when it comes to lifespan. Before investing time into creating content, think about how long it will continue driving traffic for you.

Prioritize platforms like blogging and YouTube that will keep working for you months and years down the road. That’s how you break free from the treadmill and build an automated income stream leveraging the power of evergreen content.

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