
I was not sure whether or not to write today. What could I possibly say that I had not already said a thousand times? However, when I saw this prompt, I smiled without thinking. I had no doubt that writing about this would be enjoyable for me—after all, who would not want to flaunt their detoxification methods?

Particularly now that the pressure at school is mounting and I feel as though I will pass out from extreme fatigue if I do not take a break to go do something else sometimes. So when I start feeling woozy from all the studying, there are a few apps I’d go to. That’s when I’m choosing the mobile kind of detoxification.

The first is My Diary

I’m a very traditional girl in the sense that I have stacks of diaries from since my high school days and I’m not ashamed about still owning them. When I was introduced to Mobile diaries, I thought that it wasn’t worth spending my time on because how would you get all your words out using some e-diary? Where’ s the excitement?

Needless to say that soon enough, I got addicted to penning down my thoughts at the end of each day. I even subscribed to the premium version to get the maximum experience and it’s been a wonderful journey so far. It’s the first place I’m inclined to go to when I’m stressed, just to get the negative energy out of the way first.

Then if you haven’t guessed already, it’s Pocket Book

Once the negative energy is out of the way, I need something to get me on the right headspace from my academic books and that’s reading more books(not the academic kind, of course). Pocket Book is home away from home because as far as I have a good book in hand, I’ll be completely immersed, forgetting about my worries of school for hours.

It’s so interesting how I can totally switch from just about being done with life to a zesty demeanour courtesy of this app. It’s detoxifying, it’s liberating and yeah, a total babe in helping me unwind from stressful days. If you want to know more about Pocket Book, there's a post here.

And of course, there’s Netflix.

I’m not even such a big movie person but I’ve had amazing recommendations and watched some really great and borderline ridiculously movies which I’m looking forward to sharing some of them with you guys.

One thing I love about Netflix, there are just too many genres you can choose from. As you can see here, I watch just about everything. Except horror, of course. Speaking of, I can’t wait to give a review on the last one I watched, which is the first in so many years and best believe, I’ll have a lot to say so look out for it.

I have just about one other but I’ll end with the princess of this entire list...

Lark Player

Funny thing is, I’ve got Spotify but for some reason I’ve not been able to let go of this app as my ideal one for listening to music. My playlists are sorted into different genres as it suits me and depending on what mood I am, I listen to a particular playlist or shuffle them.

It is common knowledge that music is a healer. When I listen to them, whatever residual negativity fades into oblivion. And Lark Player as an app offers me access to that blissful state.

Like I said there's’s one more I’ve discovered which is like a word unscrambler game I play with my partner. I’m not sure I can call it a detoxifier since my wits have to be around me as the individual is quite competitive. But the joys of utterly thrashing him at the game is enough satisfaction, isn’t it? Lol.

In conclusion, I’m not about to let go of these amazing apps anytime soon.

Shout out to @olujay for creating this unique and amazing community that allows us to showcase our digital lifestyle on a personal level and shout out to JuneInleo Prompts for giving us access to this platform as well.


All images are my phone screenshots.

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