Splinterlands Weekly Challenge Battle BATTLE MAGE SECRETS! Odd Ones Out and Speed Matters

Every week there is a Splinterlands challenge to share a rule set using a specific card and on this week's post it is a battle with the Odd Ones Out rule set. I also encourage Splinterlands players to partake in the challenge because you get to try different strategies and earn some crypto in the process.

Rule set, Battle and Plan

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The ruleset this time is Odd Ones Out and Fire & Regret. This means that only monsters with an odd mana cost can be used and all monsters have the return fire. There is also 17 mana available and I am left with the choice of water, earth, life, or death splinter.

The summoner I chose to use this time is Obsidian. It increases my magic damage by 1. I can also use my cards up to a level cap.

SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Obsidian4Summoner+1 Magic
Chaos Agent11stDodge
Regal Peryton52ndFlying
Blackmoor Nymph33rdImmunity
Djinn Biljka34thWeaken and Void
Mycelic Morphoid15thThorns
Total Mana:17

I plan to use Chaos Agent as my first tank for the dodge. My 2nd monster is Regal Peryton for the flying ability and as a backup tank. Blackmoor Nymph is a damage dealer with magic and it is followed by Djinn Biljka for its weaken and void ability. My last monster is Mycelic Morphoid for the thorns ability.

Round 1

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At first glance, I think that I am at a disadvantage against my opponent. My opponent has a significant speed advantage and it doesn't help that his last monster also has scavenger. I am not relying on melee or ranged so the armor from his summoner won't matter to me, but most of my magic damage dealers are quite slow.

Round 2

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Both me and my opponent lost two monsters but the speed disadvantage is going to hurt me. I don't expect most of my magic monsters to be able to get many turns. So I expect that I will be able to kill one or two more monsters before I lose. If I can dodge a few attacks, I should be able to win because the last monster won't be able to break my void, but that is all luck.

Round 3

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Luck was not on my side and I couldn't dodge a melee attack. So this match is over and my opponent will win. I don't see myself dodging any attacks given the speed difference.

I lost later that round.


The battle did not go as I expected. My opponent had the stronger lineup and the speed advantage that he had was too much for me to overcome. I didn't dodge a single time and it ended up being the reason why I lost. I did have a decent lineup and I might have had a chance if I had a max deck like my opponent. The magic damage is guaranteed to hit and go through armor but they tend to be slow.

You can see my entire match here.

What did you think of my match? Was there anything you would have done differently? I think it is quite interesting to see how different players play in a ruleset.

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