Adult life is cool regardless the disappointments

"O, to be sure, we laugh less and play less and wear uncomfortable disguises like adults, but beneath the costume is the child we always are, whose needs are simple, whose daily life is still best described by fairy tales.". Leo Rosten

As a child, we sure had great plans, with our wide imaginations, we could think, and imagine things we want for ourselves in the future and how we want it to be. I am not excluded from the list of children who had an interesting imagination.

l remember how I would say that when I grow up, I want to be a doctor, own my hospital, treat patients, and after that, get married, have my children and live the best life I can live.


Growing up, circumstances of life, made things thwarted. It got me confused at a point in life while still being a child. I would always think that things would always go the way I have imagined them to be.

Adult life has made me understand that it's okay to expect things but wise to manage the expectations to avoid being disappointed and having to deal with a broken heart. Adulthood has given my life more definition despite the disappointments.


Aside from having interesting imaginations, some beautiful thing about being a child is that you stay unbothered

You don't have to work;

Unlike adults who need to work to earn a living, some adults work to stay sane. As a child, you don't work. The routine is more like, waking up, having your parents prepare you for the day, eat, play, playing, sleep.

You don't pay bills;

As a child, you don't need to work or think about bills that keep you thinking, calculating, and can't be ignored. You don't have to worry about going into debt because you're trying to take care of emergencies.

You eat free food;

Children eat free food because they don't spend their money getting them ready or available.

Forced to take a nap;

In some schools, after hours of activities, children are usually told to rest, it's so funny that they see that as a punishment and refuse to rest when an adult somewhere at work who feels tired decides to lay his head down to relax for a bit but gets caught by the manager, a query is a sure thing for the person.

Sadly, when we become adults, we wave goodbye to the good old days. Hehe

Adulthood is another phase of life that has its good days too. There are several things I love and enjoy about being an adult that I could mention, however, For the sake of the topic, I would mention one.

Which is;

Having a clean home.

One thing that always got me upset while I was still 100% dependent on my parents and living under their roof is having to clean the house severally in a day only for it to get dirty again because I was living in a house filled with a bunch of people who don't care if it gets dirty or not, especially when it's not a house that has separate rooms for each child.

Nothing feels good like taking the kids to school then returning home to a nicely tidied apartment to have a nap or doing what I love to engage myself in. Another instance is getting the kids down for a nap on a cool Saturday, at the same time when the house is clean, food prepared and laundry done this done is what I keep loving every day of my adult life.

Jill Wellington

One thing I wish I could change If I had the power to change it.

It's funny that it took me almost an hour to find the right answer to this. Well, one thing I wish I could change if I had the power to is to put an end to complicated situations in my life and just live my life exactly how I imagine it to be.

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