In 2 Kings 4, we see that God had given a son to a Shunammite woman who made room in his house for the prophet Elisha. At first, she thought that the prophet mocked her, but the word was fulfilled. Once the child was grown, one day he gave him a severe headache and died. And this woman decided to go to the right place to look for her miracle. Of course, we can not ignore that she felt she had been deceived by God. I was frustrated. We all question ourselves, at some point: If you gave it to me, why is it lost? But she came to the right place, and the prophet did something very interesting.

He instructed his servant to go. He told him to go with the staff, which represents the traditional religious protocol for doing things. But the traditional will not work to raise your country. If you keep trying to lift your dreams with the same traditional staff, it will not work. You have to reinvent yourself, you have to change all things. If you try to awaken your dreams in the same way as the rest of the world, you will be dead, locked away, with your dead dreams. The God who gave it to you, can revive you, but there are three things you have to do. The Bible says that the prophet arrived and the first thing he did was to pray. One of the problems that people have is that they do not want to pray. Many like to worship God, they like to sing because it's easier; But what prayer can produce, worship will not produce. You can not think that singing will solve all the problems. In the same way, decimating and offering not solve all your problems; you have to tithe, offer and worship, but there comes a time when only one sentence is what can change all things.


Do you want to see your dreams come back? Get to pray like never before. Drop to your knees, cry out to God, declare your word, begin to believe that something will happen. You have to do the things that really work. The church has to pray again, if it wants to see its dreams resurface. Your country may need help from other countries, but the greatest help they need is that of Almighty God, and that is not contacted by email, phone or text, but only in one way: On your knees, praying, believing may God do the miracle

Second, the Bible says that Elisha threw himself on the body of that child. He was not afraid of having contact. There can not be a miracle if there is no contact. It is personal contact that causes changes in your life. Do not run away from the problem, the difficulty; throw your chest, face, touch people, call new customers, knock on doors and declare in the powerful name of Jesus that your dream is resurrected.

The third thing that the prophet did was that when he prayed and placed himself on the child and he did not react, he went to walk around the house, believing that something was going to happen. Because, when it does not work at the first, nor at the second, it works at the third or at the fourth, but it works.

Refuse to give up the dream that you did not ask of God, but He gave it to you, and He will raise it again, in the mighty name of Jesus.

And the Bible says that when the prophet did that, breaking protocols, the child began to warm up, and he sneezed seven times. Sneezing what you want to say is getting out of yourself everything that is death. That child began to draw from within everything that had finished with him. Maybe it's sad what happened to you, but your life is being cleaned up. There are things, people who left, but your life has been cleaning up; and it was about time you sneezed because God is going to get up again, but there can not be a little death inside you.

You will warm yourself, you will sneeze, and you will open your eyes to see that your dream is not lost. Today you get hot, you get up, you sneeze and you open your eyes to see that the dream that God gave you is not lost, but rises in the powerful name of Jesus. Believe God. It will not be the same, but it will be better. Dare to believe God, because soon you will bear witness once more.

Insist on your relationship with God. There is nothing you do for Him and for Him that He will not give back. You do not do it for what it can give you, but you can be sure that, if you look for it, something you will receive.

Do not tell your problems to anyone who can not help you. To the people out there, tell him: Everything is fine. And do not do things formally; If your dream is going to resuscitate, it will be for what works: To seek God insistently. Pray as never before, do not lose touch with what is happening, and persevere until God gives you the miracle; Soon you will have it in your hands, in the name of Jesus.

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