Life is often FILLED with uneventful EXCITEMENT! - #Ulog Entry No. 14


Life is often FILLED with uneventful EXCITEMENT! - @jaynie

I was not actually planning to do a #Ulog post today for the simple fact that I pretty much started the day yawning and well, it has not stopped yet haha - but (and it's a BIG BUT - isn't it always lol) Friday is the ONE night in the week where Jude is allowed to stay up "as late as he likes" (within reason obviously lol) and whilst mommy might be yawning her head off.... Jude is INSISTENT that he is not in ANY way tired and "mommy you said Fridays are MY night!" lol so essentially that means one thing... mommy is SCREWED haha and mommy may as well enjoy some wine and write a post! lol :)

So, I have a little bit of a wine cellar in my kitchen (which is code for the bottom shelf of one of my cupboards) and in that cellar, is a bottle of Madonna 2012 Shiraz which we bought several years back (probably 2012 haha) and paid a fair amount of money for at the time. I think we got it at the local "Good food and Wine Show" as I was normally given a Media Pass to those events as I used to write reviews on them for my online magazine - so we generally attended them because well, FOOD and WINE! hahaha!!! Anyhoooo....

They say you need a special occasion to crack open a really good bottle of wine but I have not been to the shops today so that is literally the ONLY bottle of red wine on my premises lol!!! I have plenty of white wine, tequila, whiskey, Gin, Rum and all sorts of other spirits - but I ONLY drink red wine haha and IT IS FRIDAY (that is special occasion enough isn't it?! lol - so.... Madonna it is!

I am NO wine connoisseur and Shiraz is without QUESTION my LEAST favourite wine, but honestly... after having opened this bottle, poured a glass and taken a sip - I swear it may as well have been a bloody papsak! hahahaha - for those that are not familiar with that local Afrikaans South African term... it essentially means a CHEAP box wine... and is referring to the pillow style balloon on the inside of the box lol.

I actually went to go check the current price for this specific bottle so that I could share it with you and got completely sidetracked by the negative reviews - all of which I share sentiment with haha! But you know what... some wine, is better than NO wine! So.... on that note - care to join me @rwedegis? ;)


Other than that, there was not a whole lot of "monumental activity" to report in my day haha!!! Jude finished up school early and when he got home, I took a walk and he took a bike ride. I did come across one rather amusing discovery during that though haha.... I found a mushroom that looks like the face/mask from the movie Scream lol!!!


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! No seriously! The more I look at this little dude the more I laugh! lol Not everyday you catch a snap of a mushroom with a face, least of all one that replicates the scream mask hehehe...

and in less interesting shots... there were flowers along the way lol


...accompanied by Jude INSISTING that I watch him come SCREAMING down the hill on his bike... LOOK MOM, NO HANDS! - YEEEEAH OK! there is not a MOTHER alive that wants to watch that (on repeat!) hahahahahaha :)

Thankfully his friend arrived and they decided to play some "Roblox" instead. They play this together so Hitxam played on Jude's tablet and Jude played on his laptop.... oh, and THAT @zord189 is what a REAL mousepad looks like! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!


I was sitting across the table from them, and I swear I just DIE with adoration when seeing my teeny tiny little boy sitting in front of a laptop!!! GAWD, he is the most adorable creature on planet earth!!! hehehe! I asked him just now, WHEN did you become to adorable - his answer "When I was born mommy!" hehehehe GOOD MAN! ;)


So, as you can see - it was a totally RIVETING day!!! hehehehe ;) And if you will now excuse me, I am going to enjoy some more of this really crappy expensive Shiraz! hahahaha ;)

Hope you all have an absolutely AMAZING weekend!!!



Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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