If wishes were horses beggars will ride. If I had one wish that I would love to come to pass this is probably going to be that everyone I know was rich. Hehehe.


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Life is funny..
When you are healthy, all you wish for is to be wealthy, When you re sick , all you wish for is to be healthy.

Wishes to me is way to work things out the way we believe they should go. As a child there were so many wishes in my head because I wanted to change the world I wanted everyone to have what they needed I saw no reason why anyone should suffer and why anyone should be reduced or under any other thing or any other person. Or however there was little I could do to help this people there was nothing I could leave for Evan howevrr and so all I could do was wish and wait.


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I remember the movie I saw as a child, Richie Rich where there was a wishing machine which gave you whatever you wished for Richie Rich made a wish and it is happened he became the richest kid ever and with that he helped people create a better life. Ever since then I started dreaming to have a wishing machine which will make all my wish come true. (It was actually a washing machine).

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But that never happened no it didn't. I realised later than that I would have to work my wishes to be rather than wish they happen and do nothing I believe in prayers but like someone said when you pray for the train you have to run towards to train as fast as you can. If it is yours you will catch it, if it is not yours, well rejection is protection, delay is not denial. I used to have a friend in school where we all wished to put the best grades but then he also said that when you read you read like you don't pray to when you pray you pray like you don't read. I believe that wishes can come true but without work, a wish is nothing.

If wishes were horses beggars will ride.

Everyone will make-a-wish that wish would come true. Bergers will have to ride horses, everyone would want to change their situation overnight. That is the nature of man that is nature of the mind but I wish for so many things. I wish to have so many things, I wish that some people are still alive I wish that things had happened earlier and some things that never happened.

Well if I had one wish to make honestly speaking that I want to happen and fast, that wish will be that I can make just one disease to disappear in the world. There are so many kinds of diseases so many have picked the world so many have taken the lives of many even loved ones that we have. The diseases that have caused pain you have caused a lot of family to become poor and read a lot of positive relations our communities for people. There are diseases that nations have spent multiple millions to sort to find a cure to and nothing has happened. I wish to devote my life my studies all resources to discover this solution and permanent cure to a disease we all know as Cancer. And if possible to give everyone who has cancer a new life a better life and hope for future.


Cancer has caused havoc and make people scared living their lives. It has become a common word in the health industry and still we are yet to find the cure. Breast cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, bone cancer even children are not left out with nephroblastoma, neuroblastoma. The world has seen enough of them. My wish is to make it go extinct and never seen again and I am working towards it. Pray for me.🙏

Thanks for reading.



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