Zkittlez Auto Grow Diary Week 1

Hi Folks,

As teased in my other posts, it is time to introduce you to my next victim.


She's a good looking seed and it was a freebie bonus seed from fastbuds, heres the breed specs that came with it.


So thats the strain heres the setup,

Lights: Marshydro TS600w LED (18/6 light cycle for veg and flower)
Pots: 3.5 gallon fabric pot
Medium: Biobizz All-mix


Next step germination, I've never struggled to get a seed to germinate so this 2 step method is foolproof.

Step 1

Throw it in a glass of RO'd water and leave it somewhere dark for 24 hours.


Step 2

Pour it onto your soil!


It looks like a butthole, not my artistic intention just a happy coincidence.

I placed here in the grow space and made sure she stayed moist.

3 days and there was no movement, i was going to go on a digging expedition but the next morning lo and behold.


Zargeant Zkittlez was standing to attention and reporting for duty. Standing about 2 inches tall and thin as a thread, looking like the poster art for full metal jacket with its little shell helmet.
And now just a day later she looks like this.


Im so glad its healthy and thriving my other plant has had all sorts of problems so its nice to know its not environmental factors causing the weirdness in it.

So green and vibrant.

And that has been her 1st week. Thanks everyone for reading, curating, doing all the things. Stay safe

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