Medusas new hair

Hi folks

Heres my little grow diary for Medusa (Purple Lemonade Auto), as always here was where we left off last week....

this side by side action is brought to you courtesy of @canna-curate.

Its been a bummer of a week, all the stuff in the Ukraine, make love not war man, secondly I think Medusa not gonna produce anywhere near as well as id like, Shes small, the buds dont seem to be growing right (not unlike the leaves) and the worst part is it might be the nicest smelling plant I've ever set my sniffer on.
Good googly moogly does it smell good, the first thing that sprang to mind after whiffing it was purple grape double platinum blunt wraps, If any of you know the smell you know what im talking about.


Heres me and Medusa holding hands, I kid! Plants dont have hands. But some have nutrient burn and by some I mean mine. Its not so bad but as a precaution I ran a lot of RO'd water thru it, let it dry for a few days and now its back on the same mix but im giving it more of a feed, water, feed schedule instead of trying to ram as much in there as possible.




Look at these little budlets, they're undersized and just dont seem right, I am hoping that they are doing what the leaves did at the start and will sort themselves out. The leaves are looking really healthy now, and just look at those purple colors coming in, I love it!


Its pretty much a canna-bonsai at this point, the canopy is so easy to work with tho, all the big fan leaves are easily tucked under the bud sites, so there's no need to defoliate just yet, I like to "leaf" them on. Alright I'll show myself out. I have started another plant, the first week of its journey should get posted mid-week if all goes well. Stay safe, thanks for doing all the liking and curating,

take care folks.

You know i couldnt leave you without another taste of that sweet side by side action!

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