DONATING 30SB TO STEEM PROPOSALS - Via a Theory Testing Proposal


I'm donating 10SBD to SPS via the fee and then I'll donate 2X whatever amount gets funded up to 20SBD
At 20sbd i'll end the proposal.
Go to proposals here: ... fund the test and make me donate money.

I'm just adding a picture i took this month in idaho for the rest of my followers who don't care about the test


  • I think there are some issues with the Steem Proposal system but i'm gonna put my money where my theories are and see first.
  • Basically I think it could take a lot more time as an active proposal just to hit the funding amount. And therefore the days you submit should be regarded skeptically. More importantly I think the TOTAL PAY is kind of a number you should take with a grain of salt. I don't think any proposal ever will hit the full amount of total pay. (Maybe i'm wrong)
  • But what will happen with a selfless proposal that seeks to ADD money to @steem.dao?
  • Because no one really knows how this all will work i'm doing a test
  • And i'm willing to pay to make this test happen.
  • I see big potential for the Steem Proposal system I just wish coders would talk to user interface people more often. oh well... guess we have to live with what we have.
  • I'm fine with donating 30sbd of my own money to the Proposals System so not a huge loss.
  • Be cool to finally break the barrier and see something funded.
  • I have to go to this proposal page every day for my work with SteemPeak, this would make it more fun.


  • TEST 1: Let's see one proposal actually get funded. (none have and the obstacle to overcome is pretty large)
  • TEST 2: Let's see how much votes it takes.
  • TEST 3: Let's see how long it takes... how many days active.
  • TEST 4: Testing the MAX FUNDING idea.
  • TEST 5: Seeing what happens with a successful proposal that is REMOVED before date ends.


I am going to remove this proposal when it hits my self appointed "max funding"
Meaning it will no longer be possible to get funding and even though total pay says 60sbd... it will never happen.

>>MAX FUNDING = 20sbd <<

(meaning i'll donate 40 more SBD for a net total of 30SBD donated)

  • Because max funding wasn't programmed into the code this means you have to trust me to manually remove the proposal.
  • Funds will go to @myproposal so that the accounting can be counted separately and people can see exactly what happens with the funds.


I'll have it open for about 60 days. That means 60 days to be funded for 20 of them.
I'll pay probably after the 20sbd success... but reserve right to pay early.
Also I may just stop the proposal early if most of my questions are answered by other proposals.
(In which case i'll just donate 2x whatever was funded by that time)


There's an issue with not having an easy system to display removed proposals... so maybe this will be some motivation to look into this and fix it... and by fix it... means come up with a feature that makes this decentralized and not just centralized on steempeak which is a possibility.


There should have been a max funding mechanism in Steem Proposals code however I think that would take a hard fork to change so we won't see that for many months. So in the meantime I think most proposals will go the direction of having voters trust that they will remove a proposal when it hits their funding limit.
As discussed already i don't think any (tiny proportion) proposal will have a fully funded proposal in regards to "Total Pay" (days active * daily funding)

So I think the solution until the Proposals system itself is changed is for a proposer to propose and commit to a "Max Funding" ... the issue is it is not trustless. But until we can make the system work right we may be faced with this issue.


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