My intuition, vocation and effort...|| Week: 203

When I have had to prioritize I have always given more value to my family relationships. I think that we are not a title, a position, a business card, or a promotion ring.

I have conceived my family as my core of support for life, that includes friends, neighbors, colleagues who are close to sharing the journey through life with me.

The professional career gives you for a while, economic slack, relationships, prestige, power...but it must be clear that none of this gives peace and well-being to your soul being need your closest ones around to laugh, share, love, appreciate and be appreciated.

Maybe I was never hungry to reach my professional goals at a fast pace to want to build a professional career that will take me out of it or I had a family that took care of me, and I wanted to replicate the model, while still building a solid profession.

I also believe that it is important to have an alternative profession and occupation that you are passionate about and brings you closer to other people.

I have given away my job endless times maybe for the same reason, my husband has been concerned about covering my basic needs to live.

My husband has always told me that the happiness of the house depended on me exercising, not because of what I earned but because I am passionate about doing what I do.

I never took care of paying anything at home than I wanted. And so it is!

He has a way of being out of the ordinary, for a man, he's a great mom... hahahaha 😂. Only what would provoke me for the kids, the holidays, and some investment.

I admire everything I have achieved with my intuition, vocation and effort, Galen.

I know that I am not the common denominator of what happens in couples usually, that's why I don't usually talk about it with anyone. In addition, although it sounds easy, life is responsible for putting nuances to existence with children, bosses and employees, colleagues and stop counting.


Icons by: Icofinder

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Translation with |DeepL

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