HIVE Organic Farm / ECO Tourism Location in Vietnam - A Marketing Vision for HIVE


HIVE Organic Farm / ECO Tourism Location in Vietnam - A Marketing Vision for HIVE

(Marketing and Start-Up)

Proposal linked to vote:

Marketing is all about reaching the eyes and showing them something worth seeing. It's about captivating viewers with dynamic visuals and persuasive messages that compel them to take action. It's not just about creating something attention-grabbing; it's also about understanding how to effectively target the right audience and get them to engage with your product or service. Creating content that resonates with the right people can have a powerful and meaningful impact on your business. Marketing is not just about reaching eyes; it's about connecting with people, sparking conversations, and ultimately driving success.

Vietnam is quickly becoming one of the most promising crypto markets in the world. As cryptocurrency continues to gain traction around the globe, Vietnam is leading the way in driving the mass adoption of digital currencies. The country has already seen a huge increase in investment, trading, and use of cryptocurrencies, and it looks like it will only continue to grow. Source 1,Source 2

As Vietnam continues to pave the way in terms of cryptocurrency adoption, it’s an exciting opportunity to target that market as we look to grow the adoption of HIVE. After all, the Vietnamese people have proven to be highly receptive to cryptocurrencies. It’s an ideal place to introduce our token, as the population is eager to explore the world of decentralized finance, and the country’s infrastructure makes it easy to buy, sell, and transfer digital assets. With our token’s potential to bring financial inclusion to the masses, Vietnam is the perfect place to get the ball rolling.


Q: How to Reach the Masses in Vietnam? A: Food and Farms

The people of Vietnam are joining the organic food revolution with enthusiasm! This movement has been gaining traction in recent years as more and more citizens are becoming aware of the health benefits of consuming organic produce. Not only is organic food more nutritious, but it also helps to reduce exposure to dangerous pesticides and other chemicals. The Vietnamese have embraced this trend, buying local organic goods whenever possible to support the environment and health. Farmers' markets, organic supermarkets, and specialty stores are popping up in cities and towns across the country, offering a variety of fresh organic produce and other health-conscious products. As the population becomes increasingly aware of the importance of organic food, the demand for the trend will only continue to grow.


Vision to reach the Masses in Vietnam while Painting HIVE is a positive Light to the Government and People

The executive summary of vision.

Mile High Bullet point summary

Encourage the mass adoption of HIVE and spread awareness of HIVE in a country that drives crypto adoption and growth.

Phase 1 (Back End)

  • Acquire land in the Đắk Lắk (Dak Lak) province in Vietnam
  • Hire locals to farm organic foods (tomatoes at first) and flowers
  • Ship to a famous tourist city (Hoi An at first, then Da Nang)
  • All produce and supplies have the HIVE logo and QR code for onboard, printed on the produced tag.

Phase 1 (Desired Outcome)

  • Locals and tourists from around the world buy the produce and flowers
  • They see the HIVE logo and branding
  • They follow the QR Code and come to HIVE

Phase 1 (Secondary Outcome)

  • Employ Vietnamese staffing both in Đắk Lắk (Dak Lak) and in Hoi An
  • Vietnamese Government sees HIVE as Building up Vietnam by investing in the People and land
  • Creates positive messaging and encourages more extensive adoption.

Phase 2 (Eco tourism in Đắk Lắk (Dak Lak))

  • The land is located next to Waterfall and Scenic nature.
  • Set up Eco-Tourism vacation location (Yurts)
  • Advertise vacation location
  • Accept HBD / HIVE as payment
  • Soft marketing to guests to join HIVE for discounts on stay

Tracking Success and Growth

It's essential to track the success of any program. Not only will this us you to monitor how effective our strategies are, but it will also help identify any areas of improvement. By understanding what works and what could use a little more effort, we can maximize our programs' potential and create more value for HIVE.

We will track success using the HIVE on Board and referral tracking system. This will be where the QR code sends people.

We will set up @ecofarm ( HIVE and refer people by that account.

As they sign up with that onboard link, we can track the overall success of this model.

Note: I am open to other ideas on onboarding users!

Thanks to @GuiltyParties for taking an advanced viewing of this proposal and providing feedback. Amazing! We can also use funds from the farm to hire a developer and code a custom onboarding script to help people buy an account and add funds to it, perhaps from their perchance of goods in the shop. Buy some flowers, add on a few extra VND, and get a funded powered-up account! So cool!

Target Numbers and Goals.

  • The farm will ship goods every day (7 days a week).
  • With the produce being flowers, tomatoes, and other organic produce, we target over 100 items sold daily; for this example, we will say a modest 100 items daily.
  • This would be about 700 eyes a day seeing the HIVE logo and Onboarding QR code/link and potential onboarding just from sales (not including the shippers, other shoppers, tourists, and more)
  • In a year, we project that 255,500 eyes could see the HIVE logo and branding (tho I think the number will be more)
  • Assuming a modest 8.5% signup rate, this would estimate 21,717 signups to HIVE in a year of operations.

As the farm grows and our offerings increase, the above numbers will keep improving.

Example Marketing Lable on Products

This is an example of the marketing label we will put on products and boxes we ship. This would also be shown in the markets where the products are shown, increasing exposure.


What We Have Currently

We have an established flourishing produce market in Hoi An selling organic vegetables; they will expand operations in Hoi An and open in Da Nang in 2023.

Here is their FB page:

We will initially send all products to that location to sell, offer to deliver, and establish partnerships with other outlets.

In addition, we have this restaurant / Bar:

We will sell produce here and have the HIVE branding. Example messaging "Organic food provided by Eco Farm, a HIVE.IO sponsored project; learn more at the link here." We are also going to expand to Da Nang in 2023.

Why Hoi An for product sales?

Hoi An is a significant tourist market in Central Vietnam and will grow expediently in 2023 and 2024. Last month they had 600,000 visitors Source. That number is low compared to where it was pre-covid. We estimate that number will rise back to pre-covid numbers between 2023 and 2024. The tourists to Hoi An will x4 over the next two years, increasing exposure to HIVE branding and signups.

Current Torusits numbers


Pre-Covid Numbers



We have established a distribution channel, a market already consuming products, and an expansion model.

The Ask (Funding Request from HIVE DOA)

  • The ask is for $35,000 HBD paid out at 1,000 HBD daily for 35 days.
  • Payout to start on Christmas day and go till January 28th.

The funding would de be allocated as follows:

  • $20,000 HBD Buy the main plot of land, then Lease additional land around it for 50 years.
  • $8,000 HBD: Operations for six months (Staffing and logistics).
  • $7,000 HBD Start-up costs (seeds and equipment).

I would also make a personal investment of USD 5,000 into the start-up.


Sustainability is a critical component of any project. It ensures that the project can remain viable and thrive long-term. By implementing sustainable practices, we can ensure that the project can perform optimally and provide maximum value.

The Eco Farm would produce and sell produce and products, creating a positive income flow. This funding would be earmarked to pay for more extended operations, expansion, and power into HIVE POWER.

We would take a portion of the goods sales, buy HIVE with this, and then power that up on the @ecofarm account. That hive power would then be used to get account creation tokens and help referred users sign up for HIVE.

Questions and Answers

Why Đắk Lắk (Dak Lak)?

Đắk Lắk is a fast-growing tourist destination in Vietnam. In addition, its weather is ideal for long growing seasons. By establishing here, we can maximize on growing product and be in an ideal location to start the Eco-tourism destination.

Who is Involved?

The main partners on this project would be myself (@Jacuzzi) and a Vietnamese business partner. The Vietnamese partner is Hương; she is a skillful business partner who is also from Đắk Lắk. This provides a solid local connection in negations with the local government office in Đắk Lắk and makes hiring locals to work the land much more manageable. Beyond this, she runs multiple successful businesses in Hoi An and has a team to facilitate growth.

Hương would manage this project, and I would focus on the graphics and marketing side of the project.

Partial funding or No Funding?

I am involved with the Bar in Hoi and will be helping to establish other produce shops in Da Nang in 2023. The idea of a farm and Eco tourist location has many exciting possibilities but is outside the current financial reach I have on my own.

  • With no funding, I would seek other funding options or shift the vision to just more of a local shop idea.
  • With partial funding, depending on the total, try to maximize the money and scale down or augment it with additional funding sources.

With Full funding, how long does it take to get started?

It would take four thought five months to get up and start when fully funded. After that, produce would start to go out, and we can start to track success.

How does this benefit HIVE?

The main goal is to onboard new users to HIVE and to make HIVE the Vietnamese market while doing some good in this world. Besides just taking out ads, this would provide a long-term marketing outlet that is expanding.

With the physical selling of products, then using that funding to buy back into HIVE and power it up, this project, over time, will, in some way, repay the initial DOA investment.

How long is the ROI?

  • The worst case would be 36 months to earn back the $40,000 (an average profit of $40 daily).
  • The average estimate would be 12 months (an average profit of $120 daily)

What about Eco-Tourism?

This proposal is already rather long, but that would be the second phase of this project and expand the potential reach of this project and the reach of new HIVE members.

Why Hoi An?

Besides the established distribution channels in Hoi An. Tourism numbers are essential to look at. Many wealthy tourists come to Hoi An to experience the old town. These are great candidates to onboard to HIVE. This would be a tremendous soft marketing channel to explore to reach a unique market segment.

How big is the land you are looking at?

The land is 2000 m2; we would also rent additional land around it on a 50-year lease.

When the Eco Tourist place is set up, would you take HIVE as payment?


Additional Questions or Comments?

Please add your questions below or reach out to me with a DM on Discord at jacuzzi#5037

Thank you for reading.


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