How to win a person?

Every day on the phone, on the street, at work, by e-mail, in social networks, you have to not only communicate on personal issues, but also to make new friends, as well as to establish ties at work. To do this, some just need to know how to have people to establish initial contact , and only then offer cooperation.

Remember every meeting with a person, names, places. If you are unable to remember the name of the person when meeting, do not hesitate to ask again, and as often as possible at your convenience, use his name in conversation. And the person will be very pleased and you easier and easier to remember his name.

Keep in touch.

Don't stop talking to people you've talked to before, but because of a lot of work or family, your communication has decreased. Remind yourself, for example, write a message or call.

Listen to the interlocutor.

You don't have to interrupt the person every time you want to Express your opinion, wait until he finishes or pauses. Do not forget to show interest in the interlocutor and in conversation with him.


Learn how to write short but meaningful and understandable letters. Do not forget about the greeting, courtesy and specifically formulate your proposal.

Phone etiquette.

Learn how to talk on the phone. In the modern world, the technique of "cold calls"is often practiced. Before making an offer to the interlocutor, you need to know how to win a person over the phone. To do this, greet him, introduce yourself, voice the company you represent, ask if you are distracting the interlocutor and if he has a few minutes to listen to you, after the affirmative answer, briefly and clearly voice your proposal. If the interlocutor asked you to call back later, do not insist on talking, and thank him and after a while try to contact the person again and do not forget about politeness.

Hobbies of others.

Ask a person what he does in addition to work, what he is interested in and what brings him pleasure, ask about his hobby. People love to talk about their favorite business, in which they are well versed.

Appearance and confidence.

Watch not only how you behave and what you say, but also your appearance, clothes, you should look clean and tidy. It will betray confidence to you that the interlocutor will not be able not to notice therefore will like to you respect and trust.


In any situation, stay optimistic, enjoy life and hope only for the good. With light and joyful people not only pleasant to communicate with, they want to meet more often. So leave the habit of complaining about life and whining, do not be irritable and dull person.

Watch the speech.

When communicating with other people, watch what you say and how you talk. Before you say something think carefully and assume the reaction of the interlocutor. Also, try not to use words-parasites and even more obscene vocabulary. This also can be attributed to the habit of the gab. There are people who say a lot, constantly tell something, do not listen to the interlocutor, often interrupt. If you want to win over a person, and not Vice versa, it is better to learn to listen than to talk without stopping.

Tolerance and patience.

If you want to be able to have people and establish long-term contacts, then you need to develop these qualities. You need to learn to perceive people as they are and not to be annoyed at their shortcomings, and to be patient with them, besides, it is you are interested in that person not only wanted to communicate with you at this meeting, but would like to meet again.

The ability to communicate, to interest the interlocutor and to establish long-term contacts, is an integral and important quality of a modern successful person. If you want to succeed and have not only a large base of contacts for the workflow, but also devoted interesting friends work on yourself, develop and constantly learn.

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