Unlocking the Secrets of the Solar System : A Voyage of Discovery

"Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and leads us from this world to another." ~ Plato

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Hello Stemsocial Community!! Universe is a vast empty space consist of stars, solar system and billions of spiral and elliptical galaxies. Through various cosmological observations and measurements, the age of the universe is approximately 13.8 billion years. There are various interesting theories about the origin of universe. In today's blog I'll be throwing light on the solar system of universe. Without much ado let's discuss it 👇

Our solar system is 4.5 billion years old. It consists of following objects :

  • Sun
  • Planets
  • Satellite
  • Astroid
  • Metroid
  • Comet

Let's discuss the few essential components of universe in details 👇

The Sun :

Image by Unsplash

Sun is the nearest star to Earth and it is 40 km away. Star is huge ball of gas in the universe. Sun has an atmosphere and the upper layer of atmosphere of sun is called corona.
The details of the composition of the sun is in chart below 👇

74% of Total Gases
He24 % Of Total Gasea
Metals2% of all substance

Detail of important physical features of the sun is in chart below 👇

Diameter of Sun1,391,940 km
Mass of Sun330,000 times of Earth
Temperature of Sun15 million °C
Density of Sun1.41g/cm³

Planets :

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The word planet derived from the Greek word "Planetes" which means Wanderer. Planets orbits around the sun. There are eight popular planets of solar system mentioned below 👇

  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Earth
  • Mars
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Uranus
  • Neptune

First four planets are called inner planets because they are closed to sun. While last four are far from sun and called juvian. Juvian are gaseous planets and contains on many moons and rings. Temperature, composition and density of every planet is different.
The only inhabitant planet is earth because of favorable temperature for life existence. The largest planet is Jupiter and Mercury is the smallest planet. There is difference between the function and structure of Dwarf Planets and Planets. It also different from stars.

Moon :

Image by Unsplash

Stellite that orbits around the planet is called Moon. It is refered as the primary settlite of the planets. The name of the Earth planet is "Luna". The Moon orbits the Earth every 27 days and 7 hours that determines the lunar month.

Wrapping Up :

Astronomy is as vast as universe. We need to discover, research and read facts and researches about our unvierse. This is my first blog in the Stemsocial Community on Astronomy. If you want to learn more about our Solar System, Universe and Astronomy drop your comment.

Let's cherish the beauty and vastness our Universe together on Hive Blockchain.

That's all for today's blog......

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