Money Matter : Financial Habits I Learn In Childhood

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." ~ Mahatma Gandhi

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Life is a never ending journey. The habits, skills and knowledge we learn in our childhood helps us to survive in our adulthood. Development of good financial habits in children helps them to achieve financial stability and growth in their adulthood. In today's blog I am going to share with you about financial habits that help me. Without much ado let's start it below 👇

Financial Habits That I Learn as a Child :

There are following financial habits that I learn from my parents in childhood and I used them in adulthood :

Saving Habits :

"Save a little money each month and at the end of the year you'll be surprised at how little you have." ~ Ernest Haskins

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Saving is the key to accumulate wealth. It help ones in achieving financial stability and financial freedom. In my early childhood I watch how Mom used to save money for paying our school dues. After my father's death my brother used to save their pocket money to get stationary. I learn saving habit from my Mom and Brothers. This habit help me to cut off my unnecessary expenses and always put something aside for emergency.

Earning Money :

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I'm younger boy of the family and two elder brothers did part time jobs with study. I realized the importance of earning money when our household expenses were paid with the wage of my brothers. This create sense of hard work and enthusiasm to earn money in young age. I started business in my teenage, now I am trying to find a job. I know earning money is essential for survival.

Understanding Needs vs. Wants :

I has been very stubborn in my childhood. Mom doesn't take me with her to market because I insist to buy new clothes and toys and start weeping If I don't get. Soon after dad death I realized financial hardships face by family. I become mindful about my spending habits and learn to differentiate between needs and wants. This habit help me to be minimalist and save money.

Charitable Giving :

"No one has ever become poor by giving." ~ Anne Frank

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I believe in "sharing is caring". I have seen my parents giving funds in charity to poor and needy. My parents used to give presents to love ones and poor on festive as well offer paying Sadqah, Fitrana and Zakat (religious charitable obligations in Islam). I learn to share what I have with needy. Charity is the circulation of wealth among rich and poor. Children should always encourage to donate a portion of their wealth.

Concluding Remarks :

Early lesson serves as a pillars of strenth and wisdom in our life. It's vital to cherish the importance of learning financial habits in childhood and encouraged children following them in the childhood. The wealth lies not only in our bank accounts but in wisdom and resilience.

That's all for today's blog......

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