Design and Architecture of Selasa Communa Coffee Shop


A few days ago, I went to find a place where I could work and concentrate. Usually, I work from home only but, sometimes I need a quiet and undisturbed place. We know, working at home is never effective because there will always be distractions that break our concentration. My choice, go to a coffee shop or cafe which is quieter and less crowded.

Usually, when I want to work on my laptop, I look for coffee shops I never go to. That's because if I come to my regular coffee shop, I won't be working and just chatting with the barista and the owner. My choice at that time, fell to a new coffee shop in my city, Selasa Communa Coffee Shop. This coffee shop not only offers a cup of coffee but also an interesting impression of the design and architecture they use, and it seems worthy of us to discuss and discuss in this Architecture+Design Community.

Selasa Communa Coffee Shop

Selasa Communa Coffee Shop is one of the new coffee shops in my city. This coffee shop is located at D.I Panjaitan Street, Medan Baru District, Medan City. D.I. area Panjaitan Street is one of the culinary areas in my city, around this street there are many coffee shops, restaurants and street food with delicious and cheap flavors. Judging from its location, this coffee shop is very strategic and has the potential to sell and sell well. Around this area, there are universities, schools, government offices, corporate offices, etc. which can be the target consumers of this coffee shop.

This coffee shop is located on a side street with a building that is deeper than the other buildings on the street. If you are not careful, you will definitely not find this coffee shop. Because, this coffee shop also does not have a billboard on the side of the road. The front of this coffee shop, using a cement wall fence without paint. To give a green impression and get rid of the monotony, Selasa Communa made a small garden in the front and planted various green plants such as banana leaves. The parking area is also quite spacious, and can accommodate four cars, but sometimes it is also filled by visitors who ride motorbikes.


After looking around, I found the logo or brand of the coffee shop posted near the door. The word "Selasa" is displayed on the right side of the door but if it is covered by thick leaves. In terminology, "Selasa" is a word from Indonesian which means "Tuesday" and Communal means belonging to the people. I understand the naming of this coffee shop, when the weekend we will definitely spend time for vacation and relax, Monday we start a tiring work or school, and Tuesday is usually the time to gather with our friends. Interesting right ?

From the front of this coffee shop, we can already feel the impression of the industrial concept. Starting from the front fence of the building, the entrance has two hallways with an unfinished wall concept. The Industrial concept has indeed become a trend and is used by many coffee shops today and Selasa Communa Coffee Shop is one of the coffee shops that uses this concept for their coffee shop.

Outdoor Space from Selasa Communa
After passing through the entrance of this coffee shop, we will be met with the outdoor part of this coffee shop. It can be said that almost 90% of the space of the Selasa Communa Coffee Shop is outdoor space. The industrial garden concept seems to have been chosen by this coffee shop to give the best impression to its visitors.


I am interested in discussing the outdoor space of this coffee shop. Selasa's Outdoor Space Communa Coffee Shop, uses a hardscape in the form of pebbles for the floor. Hardscape elements are elements or objects that have a hard character, can be formed naturally or man-made. For example, its natural form, we must have seen a park that utilizes the natural rocks that exist in the area.

Pebbles as an outdoor space floor are very suitable for the Indonesian climate when compared to using a concrete floor or grass floor. Concrete floors do not provide water absorption and will prevent water from sinking into the ground, while grass floors do absorb water but are expensive to maintain and are also very easy to get dirty and muddy. The maintenance of this gravel floor is also easier and cheaper.


In addition, gravel floors are also very suitable to be combined with dry gardens. Communal Selasa can be a good example for a dry garden concept. Some trees and plants, combined with a very neat border of stone and cement. Besides that, the stones on this floor give a better impression and make this coffee shop garden less monotonous. The colors of these stones provide a better lighting effect, when reflecting the sunlight.

This gravel floor is indeed very cool, simple and elegant. I also feel a clean impression when I see the floor, but there is one problem when using a gravel floor like this. The women who use high heels will definitely have trouble when passing through. Usually, I often see a garden that uses a gravel floor but still provides a stepping stone. Selasa Communa does not have a stepping stone, so everyone has to pass through this gravel floor.

This Industrial Garden concept makes this coffee shop not need too much interior to beautify the outdoor part. The selected furniture also uses iron chairs and tables that are painted black so that they are resistant to heat and rain. In addition, Selasa Communa Coffee Shop also has several tables and benches made of bricks and cement. The concept of seating and tables like this is often used in various cafes or coffee shops with industrial concepts.


There is one spot from the Selasa Communa outdoor space that is very unique and funny. There are three concrete pipes, which we often see in anime or manga, such as doraemon. This concrete pipe is perfect for a photo spot.

Indoor Space Selasa Communa
This coffee shop also has a core building and the Industrial impression of this coffee shop is further emphasized from this building. This indoor space is not too big, we measure 6 x 10 meters and it is made with a simple and simple design. I love the shape and structure of this building. Made simple with a trapezium shape and without any paint. The walls retain the original cement color.

This building also uses doors and walls made of glass. I feel, the front of this building should use full glass to make it brighter and visible from the outdoor space. I feel like the outdoor space and the building are two separate things because I can't see the inside of this building.

The indoor space of this shop also looks like a studio to me. Selasa Communa Coffee Shop only has two tables in its indoor space. One table capacity of 8 people which I think is very suitable for meetings and discussions. Another table with a relaxing sofa. Monochrome impression can be seen from this room, the cement walls, cement floor, and the black painted roof show it. To reduce the monotony of the interior, this coffee shop uses several monstera plants in every corner of the room.


For me, Selasa Communa Coffee Shop is one of the coffee shops that has the most consistent design and architectural concepts. A coffee shop that maintains and tries to survive with a minimalist industrial concept and garden. Selasa Communa is very brave to create a coffee shop that focuses on outdoor space in a tropical country with high rainfall like Medan City. I can't imagine, when it's night and the end is crowded and then it rains. Where will they run to? That's my story this time, see you next time.

About Author

Call me Isdarmady, because I have a full name that is very long, namely Isdarmady Syahputra Ritonga. I am a head of the family who work as Farmers Vegetables Hydroponic and Consultant Hydroponics, sometimes I also sell coffee from various regions in Indonesia.
I have expertise dispensing coffee with a variety of techniques and tools brewing, because I have the desire to make a coffee shop with hydroponics as centerpieces. Help me realize that dream.

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