Wedding & divorce

Life is short, and in the short life we try to enjoy as much as we can and create some beautiful moments. So when we start to grow up, we keep making friends from time to time. Friends are those with whom we can share our feelings and secrets because we have the belief that secrets will be kept secret.

But in life, only friends are not enough because we need someone who will always be by our side to support us. We need someone whom we can trust and believe more than friends. Many of us prefer to call them soulmates or life partners. We have the hope that our soulmates will always be with us till death, although it's not applicable in every case.

The bonding between soulmates is magical, and for social acceptance of the relationship, a wedding or marriage occurs. In my country, a wedding is a matter of grand celebration. People don't hesitate to spend a lot of money on a wedding. Arranged marriage is very common in my culture, but in recent days, love marriage is also coming, but compared to arranged marriage, it's very little. I know that in many countries, couples stay in a living relationship before marriage, which is totally illegal in my country, and from my country's perspective, it's a good thing; otherwise, there is no doubt that many people would try to take advantage of it.

The success rate of arranged marriages in my country is very high. The reason for success can be many things, but in my opinion, the understanding between couples is the most important reason behind the success. So for those people who think that only for love marriages is the success rate high, that is not right. In fact, I have also seen cases where, in love marriage, people are not happy because many people choose the wrong life partner driven by emotions, and after a certain time, they realize it. So I think the understanding between a married couple is the thing that can determine whether a married couple is happy or unhappy. So, which has nothing to do with arranged marriage or love marriage.

If anyone is unhappy or unsatisfied with their married life, speration is the best option because staying in that kind of relationship can give them a burden and feeling, which is not so good for anyone unless they have the mentality to fix the relationship with a positive mindset. So the system of divorce also exists. Although it's not so frequently happening in my country, that doesn't mean it's not happening. In fact, those kinds of cases are increasing little by little with time, which is a matter of concern. It has been noticed that most of the divorce cases involve highly educated and qualified couples. Maybe it's because in that situation, both of them are capable of bearing their own expenses, and both of them are not ready to lose their dignity ego which can be the possible reason behind the high rate. Instead of it, in my country, very few people go for separation.

Let's talk about who wants to remain single in life. I think each individual has the right to make their own decision, and if anyone wants to remain single, then it's their choice. In my 25 years of life, I have seen only one person who had such kind of mentality. Unfortunately, that person faces criticism almost all the time. Maybe it happens because that kind of thing is very rare in my culture.


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