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Daily Bible Verse

Hebrews 10:24-25

"Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds":

This part of the verse calls for active engagement in encouraging others. It suggests being thoughtful and deliberate in finding ways to inspire and motivate fellow believers to love more deeply and perform good deeds. The use of "spur" implies a sense of urgency and active encouragement.

"Not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing":

It's a warning against neglecting the practice of gathering together. Regular assembly is essential for mutual encouragement, teaching, and worship. During the early church period, some believers had started neglecting communal gatherings, and this part of the verse addresses the importance of community and fellowship in sustaining faith.

"But encouraging one another":

The primary purpose of meeting together is to provide mutual support and encouragement. The Christian journey can be challenging, and believers need to uplift each other to stay strong in their faith.

"And all the more as you see the Day approaching":

"The Day" refers to the return of Christ or the end times. As this time draws nearer, the need for mutual support and encouragement becomes even more critical. The anticipation of this day should intensify the believers' commitment to each other and to living out their faith.

Overall, Hebrews 10:24-25 emphasizes the necessity of community, regular fellowship, and mutual encouragement among believers to foster spiritual growth and perseverance.

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