Support @imwatsi Projects

I am working on the following projects in my spare time and funds will help me transition to full-time work on them and also pay for associated costs of running dev and production nodes.

In total, I estimate that over the next few months I will need:

  • 1 dev node for Hive Plug & Play
  • 1 full production node for Hive Plug & Play
  • 1 testnet node for the Hive Attention Tokens sidechain upon release

Hive Attention Tokens and Native Ads Subprotocol

A sidechain and protocol for attention tokens, controlled by accounts on the Hive blockchain.

The system requirements for this node will be contingent on the transaction structure I end up using, and how it affects the DB and processing requirements, so I don't have a specific estimate yet.

However, considering that the chain will have a block time of 1 second, I'd probably need to use a relatively powerful server to do dev and testnet. The quicker the block time, the quicker the blockchain grows.



Hive Plug & Play

Customizable block streaming and parsing microservice for custom_json ops on Hive.

I estimate a full node will need upwards of 100GB storage, to sync from block number one.

The lite development node is here:

I am developing the core search structures and plugs first before running a node that starts syncing from block one.

API documentation:

Other projects I have in the pipeline

Re:Quoted is an app and content platform to share, explore and discover short-form, quote-like and quotable content. Development is contingent on there being a token sidechain I can deploy the app's token on and an ad platform I can integrate, so I'm working on Hive Attention Tokens (and Native Ads) first, before using it on my app.

Relate is a content discovery and recommendation microservice, that will be used in Re:Quoted as well as be available for all Hive dApps to use.

All my projects will come together in the near future, as the foundational ones stabilize. This has been an interesting journey down the rabbit hole (still is) and I had to shift priorities on what to code when. Walking on uncharted territory. Everyone here on Hive is, but it's worth the work.

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