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There is this fantasy that comes with childhood, you just want to explore every part of life right from the beginning but freedom is not at your reach all because of strict rules that govern you and you see adulthood as the escape to your freedom but then everything comes with a price and so is adulthood that comes with responsibilities.

childhood can be so pure and innocent, it is one stage that comes with pure happiness. you just always want to see the next day and explore with friends, there's no worry of bills or losing a job, no question about the purpose of why you breathe rather filled with memories of running underneath the sun, looking out the window when the rain would pour, free meals and a lot of sleep what a lovely and simple stage of life.

life was so much simpler then no hate or envy just pure happiness but we never get enough and just want to explore adulthood little did we know the more we grow the more we lose control of childhood and every privilege that comes with it

Life was so much easy that you even get the future planned out in your head and then adulthood creeps in and you get to see life from a different angle and began to lose every privilege that comes with childhood and even began to miss being a kid nobody said life would be different from being a child and an adult I guess its something you experience and not to be told. It now depends on how you approach it.

Adulthood is a different stage entirely damn!! it has a huge difference from being a kid it has it ups and at the same time its downside. it is one stage we all can't avoid
If there was a manual to live adulthood we all will still have different issues because we all are from different homes and have different problems so adulthood is something you get to face alone and tackle.


One thing I love about adulthood is resilience.
You are in charge of yourself and how you get to do you depend on you
The one thing that comes with adulthood is freedom, freedom to explore, freedom to make decisions, and taking care of individual priorities with no support and then life just happens and you find out it all just you, help is coming from nowhere then you take your resilience Shield to get back on track because now you are adult. That right there is one thing I love about adulthood.


I miss being a child and if ever I get to change one thing about adulthood is to have my childhood privilege and adulthood freedom.

we all are bound to pass through this stage of adulthood how we approached tells how we'll get to live our life.

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