Wee Adventure to Visiting JiaJia and LeLe in HK

There once was a couple who loved to see places. One day, they decided to go on an adventure to Hong Kong. They took the train, got off, took the subway, then got off again, passed through a series of walk ways then a ticket booth too :)


They were happy and excited and couldn't keep themselves from stopping by and taking photos of the things they see along their way. This for instance, the Discovery Channel store. Who wouldn't get mesmerized by such a sight, huh?


They walked around and found themselves in awe at the magnificence of the Grand Aquarium seen from across where they were. They were at the Waterworld, and they wouldn't just pass by without admiring the place.


"Look at that view!" the husband exclaimed. "We gotta visit that too," he said further.

Hong Kong was hazy as usual. The wife had been there a couple of times and the mist often come down anytime of the day. And the park being near the mountain, the haze cannot be avoided. It was quite difficult to snap a clearer view, adding to the fact that their camera was just 16 about megapixel with a bit poor zoom feature too :)


They got around and there they saw a beautiful fountain in the distance, one which they were not to miss to see up close, of course! Can you see the mountains in the distance almost not visible due to the haze?


They went closer and noticed that some people were just passing by, not even giving the fountain a glance. Perhaps they have been used to the sight already.


They moved closer in wonderment like kids who have been allowed to watch a TV show they love, lol! Ahh! They watched in astonishment as the water rose and fell, forming beautiful patterns, mesmerizing them all the more.


After enjoying the view and checking their time, they decided to move toward where they were intending to go. But then, they were once again taken by the views on their way and they couldn't resist. Who would? I wonder...


And there was a wee wishing well too! They, of course, stopped there for some moments and made wishes too. Who would let such a chance go by? I wouldn't for sure :)


And they couldn't just leave these wee turtles without saying 'Hello' for they are just lovely. They look like they were trying to get some sunshine or they were just lazing on those little rocks because they were under the water earlier in the day :)


Moving on, they came across this fascinating waterwheel made of bamboo and fenced with bamboo too that were placed in perfect alignment then tied with traditional brown ropes and decorated with green plants that gave the corner more alive.


Finally, after going through a series of stopovers, they arrived at the place they intended to be and they were welcomed by these two - JiaJia, the giant black and white beauty in that area has got a furry friend by her side :)


Well, they spent some time goofing around especially with JiaJia's playful sculpture. She was just adorable!


Going in, they noticed some information on JiaJia. It said she was born in 1978 and weighs around 80 kilograms. She is quiet but afable or pleasant.


They moved quicker to find her lounging on her play area. How cool she looked, just doing her own thing!


She seemed a little lazy at that time. Looking unmindful of the many people trying to get a perfect photo of hers.


She was quite far, the couple couldn't get a decent shot

They waited and waited and she woke up and was trying to get down her wooden bed. Ain't she cute? Although cute seems to be a wrong word because she is huge!


She played a little while and then ran away and hid then never came back. The couple thought she was stressed because their were many onlookers around where she was, or it was just time for her to hibernate, lol!


And so they moved on to see LeLe too. But then she was nowhere to be found. She was born in 2010 and weighed 7.7 kilograms. She was known to be playful and active. They waited for a while but she wasn't coming out. They thought she might have gone to met her mother on their hiding place.


Her play place was even lighted, probably to keep her warm, the couple didn't really know :)

Because they couldn't wait forever, they decided to go out of the place. And for the last time, took a snap of JiaJia whose gaze seemed to be quite sad as she looked afar.


This has been a wee story from the farmboy and I's adventure in Hong Kong's Ocean Park. Thank you and until next time!

All photos and texts are mine. 23.01.22/17:40PH


FarmGirl writes from their lil kingdom in the mountains of PH.
She is also on Read -o- Noise -o- Torum -o- Twitter

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