11111 Leo Power & 9999 Hive Power on my 16th HPUD

Well, 1st of April and it's Fool's Day they say. You might be wondering, did we really hit those numbers or someone is just fooling around? Read on and we shall find out!

Just like we have always been doing every first of the month, we are honoring the HPUD tradition. Therefore, we are giving our Hive Power a larger boost than what we normally do on a daily basis. Yes, we still power up every single day and this is our 456th streak. Today however, we are adding more than just one, five or nine HIVE.

And from time to time even when it is not yet LPUD, we also stake LEO on the same day we do the HPUD because we want to grow our Leo Power faster.

We know why, yeah?

Simple. We want to send our LEO to work earlier instead of waiting for 15 days or a month. Of course, we still participate during the Leo Power Up Day, we don't wanna miss that! It all depends on what strategy we want to implement and that's just how we (my alter ego and I) do it. We let them go to work early and then we compound their earnings by staking them now and then.

That's one of the beauty of Hive if you ask me - the freedom to do whatever we want with our own Hive assets. And for us, the ability to stake them anytime of any day.

Anyway, after playing with the numbers and staking some 204+ LEO, the combined Leo Power summed up to 11,111 (5000ifg + 6111ifg-leo). So yeah, that number isn't a joke, it's real.😅

What of the Hive Power?

This was the number prior to the start of March (28th February).

And here's the number as of 31st March before today's power up. A growth of 10% on the HP in the last 31 days or 871.468 HIVE added throughout the month. I'm so grateful to all who keep supporting. Salute!


Today, we decided to power up a small amount of 62.255 HIVE, making it end up to 9599.99 and not 9999.

Guess that's where we are found, lol!😅 Still a couple hundreds away from the magic number but that's where we are going and will get there soon! And since the day is just starting, there might be some more HP to get added (from content and curation) so will check how the numbers would play at the end of the day.

Until then, the grind goes on.

P.S. If you are new, you might be wondering why we power up HIVE into HP. The reason is that staking is a way of saving and since we are thinking long-term, it is the best way to go. Also, growing our Hive Power comes with various benefits, re: more vote value when we upvote other people's posts, hence more curation rewards; our vote has more weight in the Hive governance (voting for witnesses), more interest on our Hive Power which consequently give us more passive income.

That's all from me today and Happy Hive PUD everyone! Keep that ball rolling!

Lead image created on Canva. Screenshots from my wallet via LeoFinance frontend. 01042023/10:05ph

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