The Art of Staying Human: Why We Should Resist Automation in Creativity

Image by Jean Martinelle from Pixabay

In this era most of things have become automated that requires no more human actions and there are multiple things that will be automated in coming years.

With the use of Ai in every field they're going to make things more automated than manual human interaction to make things easy for us but there are somethings that should just stay untouched and need no automation.

So let's talk about things where we don't need any kind of automation and why we need to keep it just normal.

We don't Need Automation in Human Creativity

There are multiple things where human creativity dominates and automation could take that human creativity away from us.

Image by Thomas G. from Pixabay

Things like Art always need human creativity and now we have AI that made it possible to create digital arts using imagination which is something I don't really think is good for that human creativity.

We remember great artists and their paintings from centuries ago and still they've the same value and meaning.

Nowadays artists have lost that creativity once we had some decades or centuries ago.

The unique spark of human imagination and emotion

It's a fact that human creativity is irreplaceable by any kind of automation and human imagination and emotions are always unique.

Adding automation in field like arts just doesn't make any sense. We remember paintings and art by the story and emotions depicted by the artist.

I can easily give prompt to Ai and will get a digital art but that won't have any creativity.

we don't need automation in cinema

Everything special about cinema is human creativity in all aspects from creating a character from imagination to acting with emotions and making it feel like everything happening in it is real.

Image by Melissa from Pixabay

Nowadays they're using ai in movies, music and things that should remain totally natural have the sort of automation which will eventually make things boring for us.

I love the 80s and 90s or early 20s movies because of everything about it is natural. The creativity of actors, directors and each artist is clearly seen meanwhile it's 90% CGI and 10% real story nowadays.

We could lose cultural depths

When they implement automation in fields like architecture and building designing consider it our cultural depths is gone.

The designs of buildings used to represent our culture which is something lost and the more automation it'll happen in the coming time the more we're going to lose our cultural depths.

Wrapping Up...

In the end world needs automation where it can make life easier but it also needs to keep things as natural as possible.

It will be weird when our life will be more dependent on some algorithms and automation in future when it can be simply done by us.

I'd love to know what do you think about it in the comments.


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All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 29/05/2024.

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