Happiness & sadness :: Tips to out from Sadness.


Namaste🙏 Dear Friends, now days its very difficult to stay clam and manage your life style healthy and be happy always. Now point is how we be happier in our life.
First Point is feelings...
Sad feelings is not a bad thing, in our life we are facing lots of up and downs which can make us sad. But main thing is we must not pressurized our head it will make your health worst.

Second Point is Socialization or make friends
It means we have to make friends or take some time to be socialize with any charity or any other online social media or involve yourself with your local society work.
it will help you to keep your self busy and overcome from any sadness of bad feelings. You can also write your feeling over the diary or blogs.

Third point is YOGA or physical exercises..
You must add some yoga meditations and physical exercise for your better health and for the mental stability. As we all are aware of yoga , it will help to get rid from various diseases and also meditation relive stress and keeps people stress free. Physical exercises make you healthy and healthy body have healthy soul, physical exercises also boot your health and keeps you stress free.

Yoga:- Kapal bhati, Anulom vilom, Surya Namaskar(Sun Salutation), dhyan.
Above suggested yoga is best for overall health. If any one have health related issues first consult with yoga experts to do this.


Forth point is hobbies/interests/
If we do our hobbies and interests in professional manner or in our free time for fun purpose, will keep you stress free and make you happy. its my personal experience whenever i am doing my hobbies work, it gives me full of relaxation and happiness.
Some of my friend converted his hobbies into professional work, like one friend had interest on paintings, he is now good painter and selling his painting.

One friend is photographer, he was good on photography and his hobby was this on college time. now he is full time photographer and earing nice amount from this.

Fifth point is keep safe from negative thoughts or negative persons..
Now days in social media you will get lots of negative influencers or you will get these types of person in your friend circle or in family also. Keep out from these types of persons. Negativity always keep you down and make your life hell.

Lastly i want to say that if we have any issue in our life, which may be financial or family related, we have to face it and follow above the points to battle with your
sadness face and make your life happier, it is not easy but life is not short and we have to fight for ourselves.

Our old age relatives telling that "empty mind have devil's place", so keep your self busy with your proper routine work and involve all the above steps to make you busy and
keep your self healthy and make you strong.

Above steps are not only in use of the fight of life battels but it helps in normal life to make your self happy.

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