It was already Saturday and I felt like it should be Sunday because the previous day completely gave off that Saturday vibes. Well, this morning I remember waking up and feeling a sharp pain on my head as if I was scratch by something and I got to discover I actually did while taking my bath. I was glad the pain was bearable and the scar wasn't so obvious too.

I had planned to join my brother in making a video for the Vibes music competition so that was what we did immediately we took our bath and eat. The food was oily so it affected our voices a little so we had to do a bit warm up to get our voices more prepared. Luckily for us, we only tried the video about 7-10 times before it finally sounded satisfying, hehe.

Immediately we were done with the video we quickly got ready for a children Bible quiz we've been looking forward to. Sadly we arrived there late due to the ga fact that we had to make the video first before leaving because we know it wasn't going to work if we decide to return first. We took a motorcycle and we got there more than 30 minutes after the starting time. And due to that we had to sit at the back seat.

When we got there they've already read the rules for the quiz so we just had to follow the crowd do what they do 😅. Well, the quiz started and participants were asked to choose their questions from 1-160. There were 40 participants in today in pairs it would be 20 participate. The children were amazing, their confidence was dope and I just couldn't help but feel a bit sad because I never really got the opportunity to attend such events as a child.

Anyways they children all did great although sadly my team didn't do well at all. They weren't so prepared and they weren't lucky with chosing easy questions too. I was sad and at the same time worried for them because they didn't do well for themselves and other children did but then I also realized that it would only help them want to do even better next time so they don't end up doing poorly like they did today.

Well, immediately the quiz was over we went out for some group photos at least to prove that we were there, hehe. After that we all went home and I tried getting some rest since I was having an headache due to my hurt head but them I couldn't because I had quite a lot to do. Luckily for me I was able to achieve almost everything I need to do and that was really all thanks to God.

As for the quiz, I'm always looking forward to one because it helps me get to know more about the truth of the Holy Bible. I hope that next time my team would do even better and we hope to keep teaching them more until another opportunity surfaces itself. I had quite a day and I'm quite happy about how it all turned out to be. I guess today was my lucky day!

All Images used are mine

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