Strike back at your enemy with a RETALIATE


There is nothing sweeter than clapping back at the enemy who has just made an attack. It can be pretty satisfying to see and whats more, a Retaliate has a nasty habit of triggering all sorts of abilities like a Trample... So what is not to love.

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There are 12 different modern Retaliate options within Splinterlands. How many do you own?

This is a list compiled using of all the available Retaliate options you can collect for yourself.

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Pelacor Mercenary L10

Pelacor Mercenary_lv10.png

Level for RetaliateBCX costEstimated Cost for Retaliate
Level 10$0.008$ 3.35

A superb card and a star amongst the Reward cards in the Chaos pool of rewards. At a very reasonable price, there is reason for everyone to go out and grab a max level copy. While the print total is in the millions, this card is outstanding with the Self-Heal and Fly abilities. The Retaliate is excellent at the higher levels with plenty of armour to boot, this is an excellent 7 mana card.

Worth the pick up for sure!

Pelacor Deceiver L10

Pelacor Deceiver_lv10.png

Level for RetaliateBCX costEstimated Cost for Retaliate
Level 10$0.005$ 2.044

The Pelacor Deceiver is an excellent card for the Backfire ability and the Fly combined with its high speed of 5. Beyond that, the Retaliate is a welcome addition. Better stats than most cars for 5 mana, this card is excellent and incredibly cheap at $2 for Level 10. I will certainly stick this card on the list.

Phantasm L9


Level for RetaliateBCX costEstimated Cost for Retaliate
Level 9$0.039$ 12.786

A 6 mana card with some nice stats but I always find higher speed cards to be more effective with Backfire which relies on an enemy missing them. Beyond that, I'd say the Pelacor Deceiver is the better version of this card personally. Return Fire is a nice addition of course but that 6 speed is pretty rapid and targets are unlikely to hit every time. At this price it is not too bad but I would not select this as my first choice. Perhaps you disagree?

Disintegrator L10


Level for RetaliateBCX costEstimated Cost for Retaliate
Level 10$0.052$ 20.952

This is a solid card for its ability to reduce melee damage which can be really strong in some match ups. The Knock Out ability is not the strongest ability but in some rulesets combinations can be great. Trample is good and is always a big positive when paired with the Retaliate. Not only does Retaliate give you the chance to return damage but if it kills off an opponent, it allows you to take out the next one as well. Decent option and for Max level, a good price really.

Charlok Minotaur L6

Charlok Minotaur_lv6.png

Level for RetaliateBCX costEstimated Cost for Retaliate
Level 6$0.046$ 4.625

True Strike is usually quite a useful ability and this is one of the big selling points of the Charlok Minotaur. A good price for Retaliate here and with True Strike, the Charlok Minotaur will be able to hit every time there is a Retaliate attack. This is excellent as there are ocassions where Flying monsters or Doge based monsters can skip around the Retaliate. There really is nothing worse than a missed Retaliate... and that is the benefit of this card. To be honest though, 8 mana, good damage and good health but this is mighty slow. Cheap enough to buy but I wouldn't put this one at the top of my list for sure!

Nectar Queen L6

Nectar Queen_lv6.png

Level for RetaliateBCX costEstimated Cost for Retaliate
Level 6$0.061$ 6.750

I think this card is actually better than most people make it out to be. High damage, good speed and great health and you include the Retaliate ability. NICE! Not the best price but pretty affordable for Retaliate. I'd pick one up if I had the funds available for sure.

Crystal Jaguar L9

Crystal Jaguar_lv9.png

Level for RetaliateBCX costEstimated Cost for Retaliate
Level 9$0.197$ 59.161

A card I am not massively familiar with as I joined Splinterlands after Untamed / Dice. What I will say is for 4 mana this is a pretty solid but incredibly expensive. $59 for a copy with Retaliate and Thorns.. I'd avoid this unless you have 200+ copies lying around already.

Diemonshark L7


Level for RetaliateBCX costEstimated Cost for Retaliate
Level 7$0.399$ 33.936

Combined with Trample and Enrage, the Diemonshark is a must have card. Even at the lower levels this card is very powerful and its ability to strike from almost anywhere at anytime is an extremely potent ability given its stats and the abilities available to it. A Retaliate, while only having a 50% chance of impact, can then explode your team's damage skyward as it can turn into a Trample as well. That Enrage combo makes this card deadly especially against weaker armour cards. The Diemonshark works well with Kelya Frendul and has some good use cases alongside Impossibilus especially as a high damage Tank.

Fineas Rage L8

Fineas Rage_lv8.png

Level for RetaliateBCX costEstimated Cost for Retaliate
Level 8$0.696$ 80.00

An excellent 7 mana card with plenty of good points. Good in every category and with the Reach ability, it is able to support the front tank with a high speed. Retaliate with high health means its got a good chance to survive long enough to take advantage of the ability. Beyond that though, this is a pricey card and I am not sure Retaliate is worth that much in this case at least for my deck. Perhaps you have the cash and this is for you. A great card nonetheless.

Forgotten One L3

Forgotten One_lv3.png

Level for RetaliateBCX costEstimated Cost for Retaliate
Level 3$1.207$ 12.047

This is a card worth having at least one BCX of. $12 for Retaliate is ok for a card which has a very niche ability increasing it usefulness. I am not sure the Retaliate ability is worth the $12 in this case. An otherwise good card though.

Desert Dragon L3

Desert Dragon_lv3.png

Level for RetaliateBCX costEstimated Cost for Retaliate
Level 3$1.631$ 9.786

Since I have recently experimented with Dragons, I love this card. Trample, Piercing and Retaliate make this a fantastic card and well worth the cost to level up to 3rd Level. A great option for any Dragon deck. Get one if you can!

War Chaang L1

War Chaang_lv1.png

Level for RetaliateBCX costEstimated Cost for Retaliate
Level 1$3.859$ 3.859

Anytime there is a twin attack option on a monster it is a win. Unfortunately when one of those rulesets (No Melee for example) is not allowed, then War Chaang would not be available. But on the other side, when this card gets going it is a real beast. Best of all, it is the only card in Modern with the Retaliate ability at first level. Good value for the stats and abilities. A single BCX is not too pricey either for those of us in the lower levels.

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