HiveKings Proposal Update + Open Source Announcement

Kings and Queens,

it's been a year since we launched our inaugural funding proposal for Hivekings - the parent brand of Hashkings and a thriving HIVE-based ecosystem of dApps and products.

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We're delighted to share that, thanks to your unwavering support, we have not only met the goals and milestones outlined in our previous proposal but have also ensured that every cent was invested efficiently to show our gratitude to the community.

In this comprehensive post, we will provide a detailed account of how we utilized the funds from the prior proposal and the progress made towards our objectives.

Furthermore, we are thrilled to reveal the new proposal, complete with well-defined goals, a thorough breakdown of funding allocation, and a transparent methodology for realizing these objectives.

The focus this year is to allocate resources in content creation, *monetization and making projects self-sustaining, open sourcing and expanding the available infrastructure to make HIVE more accessible to the masses

Our primary aim is to create dApps and products that grant HIVE the visibility and leverage required to establish itself as a formidable force in the blockchain landscape, with a strong emphasis on development, user experience, and adoption as the foundation for achieving these goals.

Previous Proposal Overview

Old Proposal Link

During a challenging time for our team, this proposal was initiated and took two months to secure approval.

First and foremost, we must express our eternal gratitude to everyone who voted for our proposal last year, with a special shout-out to the key players in the HIVE ecosystem who believed in us.

Proposal Key Points:

  • Funding requested: 76,650 HBD
  • Funding received: 60,900 HBD

The 2022 proposal requested 210 HBD per day for 365 days. However, we only received funding for around 290 days, as it took us two months to connect with the appropriate HP holders who ultimately serve as the blockchain's most significant representatives and possess the authority to approve DHF proposals.

Proposal Points:

  • Gamified HIVE Onboarding website and the HK Menu
  • Rewarding system for content creators on social networks
  • Gamified NFT marketplace
  • Brands tokenization
  • And much more

These development proposals were submitted last year, and in hindsight, they lacked clarity and specificity regarding goals and milestones.

Over time, as our team expanded and gained experience in development and business, we revised our proposal plans out of deep respect and appreciation for the trust placed in us by the entire HIVE community.

We have taken our responsibilities very seriously, and the following list details the projects we've been working on with the funding received from last year's proposal:

Discover Our Exciting Projects and Their Progress

Embarking on a thrilling journey, our team has been diligently working on a diverse range of projects to revolutionize the HIVE ecosystem. Here's an exclusive sneak peek into our ambitious initiatives and their current status:

  • HIVE Onboarding Plugin for Dapps/Games (Private alpha)
  • Cutting-edge NFT Market for All NFT Games and Projects (Approaching Live Testing Phase)
  • HIVE Ecosystem Dapps Launcher (Backend under construction)
  • HIVE Tokens Website (resembling CoinMarketCap) (Backend under construction)
  • HIVE/HBD Payment Gateway for Physical Stores (Live Testing Phase)
  • E-commerce Payment Gateway for HIVE/HBD and Engine Tokens (Live Testing Phase)
  • Establishing a Network of Contacts with Businesses and Strong Brands in Europe (In progress)
  • Interactive Map of All Businesses and Brands Accepting HIVE (To be built using network information)
  • HIVE DEVS SCHOOL: A Free Platform School for Developers Wanting to Start Developing on HIVE (Private testing phase)
  • Contact Network for Educational Institutions in Latin America and Spain to Partner with HIVE DEVS SCHOOL (In process)
  • Udemy-style Course Creation Platform (Dlearn) (Private testing Phase)

We've shifted our focus of the old proposal from building games with @hashkings to creating genuinely useful projects that will contribute to HIVE's mass adoption.

This is because the trust you put in us had to be valued with all the possible responsibility and commitment.

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These are no "ideas"; this curated list showcases projects we've been working on after considering, discarding, and estimating numerous other project ideas.

Our team's ability to work on multiple projects simultaneously has greatly improved as we've learned each team member's strengths throughout the year.

After more than two years of experience, we've significantly reduced our production costs and gained expertise in crucial development disciplines, including user experience, leading to improved user retention. This growth has enabled us to expand our team, develop a systemized process for project development, establish efficient organization, and foster a culture of trust among team members, allowing us to adapt quickly to new challenges.

Funding Breakdown

Each project within the list has a financial skeleton that includes:

  • UI/UX design
  • Developers
  • Server maintenance
  • Others (including licenses, transport, and small expenses specific to each project, such as domain purchases)

Over the past year, we've been relentlessly working on our projects, using our monthly funds to fuel the development of the products listed previously.

With a team that feels like family, sharing a common goal of elevating HIVE, we've allocated our resources to cover essential production costs:

  • Monthly payment to the Director (Aka Liuke): $1,200 - $1,500
  • Monthly payment to our Development Director and Full Stack Developer (Aka Chocolatoso): $1,000 - $1,100
  • Monthly payment to our Games Director and Full Stack Developer (Aka Rama): $900 - $1,000
  • Monthly payment to our Developers Team working on various projects, primarily backend: $2,160 - $2,200
  • Art Director Team (illustration, designs, etc.): $200 - $500 monthly
  • Servers, databases, and other costs: approximately $500 monthly
  • Community Manager: $100 monthly
Total: $6,060 - $6,900
Last proposal monthly fund: $6,300

As evident, there are months when the funding doesn't cover all production costs, but we're more than willing to go the extra mile, as we're genuinely committed to these projects.

To enhance our productivity, our team is constantly learning new skills, utilizing technology like AI, and forging strategic partnerships with other builders in the blockchain ecosystem.

We take immense pride in what we've accomplished with just $6,300 per month. Typically, this amount would suffice to hire only two blockchain developers. However, through our family/tribe values and practices, we've built a passionate team of over seven people who are deeply in love with HIVE and eternally grateful for its support.

Proposal Request 2023

To complete all the objectives that we have set for this year.

We ask DHF for a total of $310 per day During 365 Days.

Which makes a total of $9300 per month that will cover the cost of the devs, the content creation team, innovation, servers, tools and will be the basis for achieving this year's goals.

Under the same perspective of this year's proposal with the aim of having a powerful branding, everything will be published daily on the official hivekings networks for the record.

In addition, we will make monthly reports with the progress, currently it is difficult for us because the team is made up purely of devs who are busy developing giving 100%.

Content Creation Team

As previously mentioned, development is only the beginning of our hard work. To make these projects profitable and sustainable in the long term, we need to establish a strong branding and marketing strategy through organic content creation, which is more cost-effective and solid than paid ads.

The additional $1,800 will enable us to create powerful short-form visual content (shorts, reels, TikToks) with the help of our ally wildesunglasses, who will provide us with a free recording station.

For reference, a brand with steady and robust growth should create 80 pieces of content per WEEK.

Surprising, right?

We will leverage HIVEKINGS to build the perfect audience for all our sub-products, including our payment processor, HIVE devs, and more.

We will maintain a consistent content creation rhythm and use the most cost-effective and efficient methods, along with the latest technology.

Monthly Expenses for Networking: $500

  • Network of contacts with businesses and strong brands in Europe (In progress)
  • Contact network of educational institutions in Latin America and Spain for partnerships with HIVE devs school (In progress)

These two important points in our project list focus on building relationships with influential individuals who can bring value to HIVE through alliances, product and service adoption, and reach. Our goal is to connect HIVE with valuable entrepreneurs, influencers, and business owners.

Thanks to contacts in Madrid, such as wildesunglasses, we have access to a wide range of profiles and secure connections.

These types of meetings often involve coffee or lunch and require travel and preparation to make a good first impression on potential allies. Although these activities can be expensive, they are essential for building relationships.

Our entire team takes this seriously and is learning to be charismatic, empathetic, and skilled at connecting with others. We are also mastering the art of negotiation and fostering win-win outcomes.

The GOAL Of The Proposal

In summary, our proposal aims to:

  • Integrate HIVE into people's daily lives, benefiting the entire HIVE ecosystem.

  • Expand knowledge about HIVE, reduce development costs, and accelerate the creation of HIVE projects, thereby increasing its real value.

Developers are the builders of the future. They will create what people will enjoy and consume.

Our list of projects has been carefully selected to create a powerful funnel for boosting HIVE growth.

The Education Side:
  • HIVE DEVS SCHOOL, a free platform school for developers wanting to start developing on HIVE (Private testing phase)
  • Contact network of educational institutions in Latin America and Spain for partnerships with HIVE devs school (In progress)
  • Udemy-style course creation platform (called Dlearn) (Private testing phase)

These three components will enable us to attract new, young developers from around the world through HIVE DEVS SCHOOL. By offering free HIVE development education, we increase the supply of HIVE-trained developers, reducing costs and encouraging the creation of new projects, businesses, and developers.

Our teaching method focuses on project-based learning, which we have tested in a pilot program and used to train our developers.

By connecting with institutions such as universities, we can efficiently reach our target audience—students interested in blockchain, technology, and development—and gain professional endorsement through partnerships.

Finally, Dlearn will enable us to connect with public figures who have an audience interested in learning from them (e.g., a cooking influencer) and offer them a platform to sell courses hosted on the HIVE blockchain. This will attract real users to the blockchain and empower them through its use.

Onboarding And Integration

With the influx of new developers, courses, and businesses joining HIVE, both physically and online, they will need a fast, simple, and effective way to:

  • Accept and process payments in HIVE and other ecosystem tokens
  • Onboard new users without compromising their brand's user experience

To address these needs, we are working on:

  • HIVE/HBD Payment Gateway for physical stores (Live Testing Phase)
  • Ecommerce Payment Gateway for HIVE/HBD and Engine tokens (Live Testing Phase)
  • HIVE Onboarding Plugin for Dapps/Games (Private alpha)

These solutions will enable new brands and developers, whether operating physical businesses or e-commerce platforms, to integrate HIVE as a payment method with a user experience that prioritizes comfort and elegance.

The plugin will allow them to integrate HIVE account creation into their websites, enabling users to create a HIVE account without leaving the merchant or project page.

Unifying HIVE

  • Modern NFT Market Open to All NFT Games and Projects (About to enter Live Testing Phase)
  • HIVE Ecosystem Dapps Launcher (Backend building)
  • HIVE Tokens Website (similar to CoinMarketCap) (Backend building)
  • Network of contacts with businesses and strong brands in Europe (In progress)
  • Interactive map of all businesses and brands that accept HIVE (To be built with network information)

As our proposal progresses, there will be a growing presence of brands, projects, games, and businesses. It will be essential for users new to the HIVE blockchain to easily find:

  • All tokens within the HIVE ecosystem, including project information, tokenomics data, and market insights.
  • All DApps and e-commerce platforms in a launcher that connects users to projects launched on the HIVE blockchain and accepting HIVE as a payment method.
  • A professional design and UI/UX for transacting with all NFTs from these DApps, especially in the blockchain gaming sector, similar to AtomicHub or OpenSea.
  • An interactive map displaying all physical businesses in a city that accept HIVE and HBD as payment methods.

This approach will not only improve user retention and satisfaction but also increase exposure for projects within the HIVE ecosystem.


To make sure that all of our work creates the greatest benefit for the network as possible, after organizing the team this month all of our projects will be OPEN SOURCE.

So any developer will be able to use all the tools that we have been building this year and it will remain as an eternal thank you for the support you have given us.

This includes all the projects listed above!

The Ultimate Goal: Empowering HIVE and its Community

In this proposal, we have laid out a comprehensive plan that not only accelerates the development and adoption of HIVE but also strengthens its position in the blockchain ecosystem. Our multi-pronged approach focuses on educating developers, facilitating HIVE integration, promoting user experience, and unifying the HIVE ecosystem. We are determined to help HIVE reach new heights.

Our passionate and dedicated team has proven its commitment to the HIVE community, and we believe that with your support, we can make a significant impact with the projects for this year.

By voting for this proposal, you are investing in the future of HIVE and empowering a new generation of developers, businesses, and users who will continue to build, innovate, and expand the HIVE ecosystem.

The time is now to bring HIVE into the mainstream, and together, we can achieve this goal.

Please give us the chance to make the vision we've been working on hardly for a long year to reality and to show our gratitude to the HIVE community for the unwavering support we have received.

Let us work hand in hand to create a vibrant, sustainable, and prosperous HIVE ecosystem that benefits us all.

Thank you for considering our proposal, and we hope to have your invaluable support on this exciting journey.

We will be more than happy to answer questions, doubts, tx proof. All that's required by the HIVE community after reading this post.
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