The Traditional Way Of Shopping Still Holds Water

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The world is becoming more digitalized to the point that even edibles can be gotten at the tip of our fingers. Before now, we go to the open market to get everything that we need and when we don't step out hunger will have the best of us. Don't mind me that am using hunger, I like to eat good food ooo.

I was speaking with a friend this morning before 8 AM she was like are you eating already? Aah, don't tell me too fast ooo but I can pray sha oo.

Now digitalization has come to stay with us and we will yet have more improvement now than ever but in all, I still prefer my traditional way of shopping to online shopping. Well, I have my points to back that up.

The kind of environment we reside determines lots of things. In the past, I have trusted shopping online so much that when I encountered the wrong set of people I just had no option but to have a drastic change of mindset to settle for the physical shopping that I know.

In shopping offline at least I will get to have a contract with what I wish to pay for. There are gadgets that you have to text before taking it home that don't will run the necessary checks. But in online shopping, you can order one thing and they confirm to you that the product is the best and when you get it you see the direct opposite of what you ordered.

Also, most of those rum online shops tend to influence the price so much that one will not have the urge to go for them anymore. But I feel if online shops can sell cheaper than offline many people will rethink.

Also talking about sincerity, many of those that run new shops are not sincere, you order a thing you get another thing, so if there will be a regulatory body to guide the behavior of vendors online it will bring about more sincerity into the sphere too.

My belief is there is surely room for improvement, so am looking forward to a time that the regulatory body will be fully in place so that when I get what I did not order I will know how to follow up to make sure I have a refund of my money. Also, when we have more registered online sellers it will reduce the rate of fake ones. At least the registered ones know that their integrity is at stake they will do everything within their power to protect it. But those that don't have the integrity to protect also look for a way to give out the bad things so no one can come after them.

Everyone needs to have a change in mindset. If you know what you cannot accept, don't do to another person as someday the good or bad you do will be returned may be in a higher sense.

Am grateful to everyone for your support so far.

This is my response to the hive learners community contest week 44 edition 1. You can do well to participate in the contest.

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