Happy Earth Day Friends

Earth Day is a celebration that was first Started in the Year 22nd of April 1970 to remember the activities on human on the planet earth. Initially it was not widely known but at the moment more than 150 countries are part of the whole celebration.

So many things are to be looked at on this day. The activities of humans on the planet earth do have a lot to do with how the earth turns out to be.

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Looking at my environment, a lot of things are not going well, should I say because of the level of hardship in the society people look for other means to earn a living so they go about cutting down trees to make charcoals and firewoods this leads environment to be so vulnerable to lots of attack and all that. The rule that was reigning was that before anyone should cut down a tree at least 2 more should be planted and people are not following the rules at all.

Now the high increase of population is so much that's why many people are pushed into other ways of making money, imagine a family of 15 persons by one man. It is so important for families to make sure they monitor the number of children they give birth to. There are lots of measures that has been put in place in other to control birth rate. Personally am not comfortable with any act that affects the natural process because I have come to observe that a lot of them do have a negative effect on the life of those that do it.

Another thing we need to consider on this date is the way we dispose our waste. In many parts of my country the way most people dispose their waste is so bad because these dirt's gets washed away and they go ahead to block off drainages and cause more harm to the environment then in turn bring more disease to the people. Just last month, my landlord had a problem and had to vacate his pit. Now instead of dumping it properly he went ahead to dump it inside his farm within the compound. Within that period my family was so sick and that was so bad and till date the waste is still there and anytime it rains the bad smell is activated again.


Taking all these things into cognizant is very important so we can have a better life as citizens of our country because waiting for the government to do everything thing for us is not possible as most times they focus on acquiring more wealth for themselves and their families. To that we just have to make good decisions that will be beneficial to us on a daily basis, them make sure we manage our waste properly especially now that we are in the rainy season in other for our drainages not to block off. At the moment so places are already experiencing flood and the season is just beginning

This is my response to the #inleo #aprilinleo day 22 with the topic Earth Day, Ecology Conservation.

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