Animals Needs Some Good Care Too

Pets are home animals that are used for different purposes. Dog and Cat are Pets that are widely owned by people in my country. Mainly here cats are gotten by households for in-house security, for instance when rat is ravaging a house they are encouraged to get a cat because cats and rats don't coexist in a place. Personally I would have loved to have one because big rats are just making there way into my house after much protection I have put in place.

The pictures is mine

Dogs are mainly used for outside security, most people are afraid to come close to a house that have dog in it because when the house owners are not around the dog don't take instructions from any other person.

In the Western world dogs serve for more than securing the house, they also deliver messages. When you see a dog that is well trained it looks so sweet. My compound is so big and we don't have a dog. My landlord tried his best to bring some dogs but his wife don't like it at all so they succeeded in killing it and he was not happy, so he resolved not to buy another.

Local Fauna are those wild animals that is predominantly found within a particular region. These animals are mostly kept in the zoo or at the tick forest. In Nigeria we have lots of these animals, in my school then we have a zoo that people normally come over for sight seeing and the school makes lots of money from there. Last year I was opportuned to pay a visit to Jos Wild Park and what I saw was of concern to me. Imagine as big as that place is there is no proper management. The animals are so unkept, even the environment is unkept too and when we asked they said they have been on strick. Imagine the kin d of money the government will make if that place is kept.

While we walked around I was so scared that a wild animal don't come out of the bush and attack us, it was that bad.

Invasive Fauna these are those wild animals or birds introduced to the country from foreign countries, some of these animals have caused many harm to the environment than good. The best way to bring sanity to our wild life is for the government to be strict on the kind of things that come into the country, just as humans are checked, animals should be checked also to reduce the amount of damage that is caused in the environment. Imagine some foreign animals go ahead to devour the local ones and that makes them to go into extinction. Now, our children will not get to see some animals physically except what they are told in story which is not good for our history. Nigerian government should take proper care of the wild animals because it is one means that can generate revenue for the country than depending in petroleum alone.

My response to #inleo #aprilinleo day 23 prompt with the topic Pet, Local Fauna, Invasive Fauna. Do check up and drop your participation too. Thank You for visiting my blog

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